Gross investment in media ad space increased by almost 13% in the first seven months of the year, according to AdIntel's monitoring of Nielsen Admopshere. Television advertising remains the strongest in terms of volume, with outdoor advertising posting the highest year-on-year growth so far this year (+27%). However, all monitored media types show double-digit growth.
In July, however, year-on-year increases were lower and in the case of outdoor advertising, investment even fell slightly. Kaufland, Simply You and Lidl were the strongest advertisers in July.

Investment in internet advertising does not appear in the overview of monitored investments, because the internet is represented in the monitoring only by some formats and thus does not cover the complete expenditure in internet advertising.
Again, we would like to point out that the monitored investments do not correspond to the actual investments that flow into the media for buying advertising. However, they do indicate a trend.