In the first eight months of this year, monitored advertising investment in media has increased by 12 per cent year-on-year. Television is the strongest by volume of the monitored media. Outdoor advertising showing the highest year-on-year growth this year. This is according to data from Nielsen Admosphere's AdIntel monitoring.
The monitoring data also confirms a slowdown in growth during the summer holidays, although all monitored media were in growth in August compared to July.

Investment in Internet advertising does not appear in the summary of monitored investments, and this is because the Internet is represented in the monitoring only by some formats and thus does not cover the complete Internet advertising spending. However, the AdMonitoring project shows that the year-on-year development of banner advertising on the Internet this year is also higher than for the period January to August last year.
Please note that the monitored investments do not correspond to the actual investments that flow into the media for buying advertising. However, they do indicate a trend.