The TV commercial is another step for crypto exchange Binance to communicate to the public in the Czech Republic.
Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has launched its first TV spot in the Czech Republic. It ties in with the football World Cup in Qatar and features Cristiano Ronaldo as its main face. In the TV spot, Ronaldo enters digital reality and presents his NFT collection on the Binance platform. "Join Binance. Just like me," says the football striker.
The localisation of the TV spot was provided by Punchline!, an agency that has long been responsible for the communication of the cryptocurrency exchange Binance on the Czech and Slovak markets. A TV spot cast with the most important football personality in the world is therefore a logical step. I believe it will appeal not only to football fans," said Jan Hostinský from Punchline.
The TV commercial is another step for the crypto exchange to communicate to the public in the Czech Republic. It has been working with Czech artists and creators for a long time. In May, NFT managed to sell on the Binance platform, for example, Colours of Ostrava or Opráskům sčeský historije. The latest venture was a graffiti creation in Prague's Těšnov with Vanda Chaloupková and Jan Brenek. Binance has also used the content created during the mural creation for its global campaigns.
"As a leader, we focus on a strong local community. We are building it so that it can continue to expand. The 2022 World Cup in conjunction with Cristiano, who we are currently working with, seems like the perfect opportunity to introduce ourselves to a wider audience. That's why we decided to air our first TV spots in the Czech Republic," says Matúš Okša, Binance's Country Manager for the Czech Republic.