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Television is still one of the most popular leisure activities in Czech households. This is the conclusion reached by the association of television organizations in its new report, stating that viewers over the age of 15 spend three hours and forty-four minutes a day watching television. TV’s effectiveness, huge reach to a wide audience and other benefits make it clear that advertising on tv makes much sense for brands even in the digital age. And it is time to deal vigorously with the myths about TV and TV advertising.

Long History and Strong Position of Television Advertising

Television advertising has been around for decades and has survived the digital age. Despite all the new developments, TV remains one of the most powerful advertising platforms and still holds its position as the most compelling and trusted media channel. According to Peter Field, television has never been a more effective advertising channel than it is today.

This is partly because it can continuously adapt to changes. “Just as the technology that surrounds us in other areas is changing, watching video content is taking different forms, bringing more options than ever before. 52% of TV households have a TV connected to the internet and can therefore use alternative ways of watching TV content. These include the use of HbbTV platforms or smart TV apps,” said Michal Jordan, Managing Director of the Association of Television Organizations.

British Thinkbox talks about new forms of ‘television’ that include terms like AVOD, SVOD, BVOD, HVOD, FAST, UGC, short-form, long-form, IPTV, 4K, HD, CTV, OTT, linear... TV producer Lydie Eslerová leans toward the “children of TV” hypothesis, saying that “we still don't have a better idea of how to label all video media together now because ‘TV’ is basically everywhere these days.” With the growth of the digital ecosystem, television content can be played on all types of screens, anytime and anywhere. But when people say ‘television’, they think of a set-top box that delivers live broadcast or screen-recorded content. However, not everything is strictly broadcasting (above-the-line) or television (linear media on a set-top box).

Innovations such as smart TV, HbbTV and addressable advertising mean that advertisers can precisely target their ads and deliver personalised and increasingly relevant messages to consumers. This allows brands to spend their budgets more efficiently while only reaching their target audiences.

Myths and Facts

Despite all the research and studies clearly demonstrating the effectiveness and profound effect of television advertising on consumers, myths continue to emerge. They call into question the value of television as an advertising medium today, making it unnecessarily difficult for advertisers to adopt advertising investment decisions and depriving them of the valuable experience of effective television advertising.

The Most Frequently Mentioned Myths about Television and Television Advertising:

  • MYTH 1: Linear TV is only for the older generation x FACT: Television is for everyone

  • MYTH 2: Brands only need to advertise on social media x FACT: Television will support advertising in other channels

  • MYTH 3: Television has no advantages over other channels x FACT: Television has the highest trust and attention

  • MYTH 4: Nobody watches TV anymore x FACT: TV viewership is the highest

  • MYTH 5: Television is too expensive x FACT: Investing in TV advertising pays off many times

Other doubts about TV advertising include brands’ concerns about being too “small” to advertise on TV, questions about optimising TV ads and measuring their return, concerns about the complexity of TV ads and the lack of budget for the quality creative that is essential for TV advertising, or even concerns about the big success and subsequent, potentially unmanageable onslaught of customers. However, even these fears are not justified.

The Size if The Brand Is Not Important

Even small brands can benefit from TV advertising. Addressable TV can create multiple layers of efficiency and help brands minimise media waste.

Targeting And Measuring Is Not a Problem

Addressable TV offers targeting options that give advertisers the confidence that they are spending smart and getting real results. With smart measurement tools, small and large advertisers can understand what their campaign is delivering based on specific KPIs and business goals. Advertisers can use self-service reporting tools to track their campaigns and their performance.

A Consulting Firm Will Advise You on The Format

An expert partner can help advertisers choose an advertising consultant will guide the marketing team to the best formatformat. If the advertiser is clear about whether the goal of their campaign is brand awareness or sales (or both), the . Ideally, the advertiser can add television among other advertising channels. In combination with these channels, TV - in addition to its own impact - also has the effect of enhancing and supporting all other channels.

In Case of Low Budget, the Use of Ai Can Help

When it comes to budgeting for quality creative, new technologies such as artificial intelligence are making it easier and more cost-effective than ever to shoot quality content.

A great example of this is the Velvetiser ad called “Velvetise into Happiness”, which uses a combination of generative AI and more conventional CGI. It combines real footage of Velvetiser preparing chocolate with cocoa groves and a chocolate river framed by a beautiful sunset. The brand aimed at using the ad to convey the feeling of waiting for a delicious cup of velvety chocolate, the epitome of chocolate happiness.

Video: Velvetise into Happiness

In another example of the successful use of AI in TV advertising, Adobe showcased the capabilities of Firefly, its collection of generative AI models, in its October 2023 ad. The ad spot focuses on the Generative Fill tool, which allows users to add, extend or remove content from images in Adobe Photoshop using text-based instructions. This prestigious ad also allowed Adobe to showcase its leadership in artificial intelligence.

Video: Adobe – Photoshop and Firefly

Success on a Reasonable Scale

Finally, what more could you ask for than success? Yet many smaller companies fear that they will fall victim to their success if brand awareness grows too quickly and they are unable to handle the onslaught of new clients and adequately expand production or distribution. There is a solution to this concern as well. Advertisers can test the campaign in certain areas to get an idea of the impact and the growth that can be expected.

We’ll Cross That Bridge When We Come to It

An unpleasant consequence of widespread myths about television is that advertisers are unnecessarily worried about investing in TV advertising, which could bring them new opportunities and desirable business success.

That is why in a series of articles to be published in the coming weeks, we will focus on the main myths and facts about TV advertising. Next time we will look at the myth that linear TV is only for the older generation. If Galileo Galilei were still alive, he would surely have said about television: “And yet it moves!”

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