Source: Pixabay


30. 7. 202430. 7. 2024
During the summer, TV viewers prefer films and series more than during other months of the year. This year, sports are also among the favourite genres.

Although TV viewing drops to its lowest levels of the year during the summer months, Czech TV viewers aged 15+ spend on average over 3 hours a day watching TV. This is based on official TV viewing figures for July and August in the previous two years.

"Viewers spend the most time watching TV in the winter months, when TV viewership exceeds 4 hours a day. In July and August, when the weather is warm and people are taking holidays, it is obviously less. However, three hours is still a very high number," says Pavel Müller, Head of Research & Marketing at Atmedia, which commercially represents 25 measured thematic TV stations on the Czech market.

Despite lower TV viewing figures in July and August, the behaviour of Czech TV viewers remains similar to other times during the year - TV viewing is balanced from Monday to Friday, increasing at the weekend, especially on Sundays. Evening prime time also remains the same, with most viewers watching TV from 7 pm to 11 pm. "On Sundays, traditionally the most watched day of the week, Czech TV viewers aged 15+ spend an average of over 3.5 hours in front of their screens during the two holiday months," adds Müller.

Czech TV viewers watch movies and series most often during the summer holidays, accounting for 47% of all time that viewers aged 15+ spend watching TV. "Movies and series are the most watched programme genre all year round, but their share of total viewing increases during July and August," says Müller. By contrast, according to the last two years' viewing figures, the proportion of time spent watching entertainment programmes such as reality shows and news programmes during the summer holidays is decreasing.

Major sports holidays are also entering the preferences this year. In May it was the Ice Hockey World Cup, in July the European Football Championship. While sports programmes steal 5% of the total time spent watching TV on an annual average, for the first half of this July it was 9%.

Deploying reruns on free-to-air commercial stations during the summer holidays is not the policy of all TV stations. "The pay channels in particular have a different approach to the summer programming schedule, as they are oriented towards a more demanding audience and offer premieres of TV shows during the summer months," says Pavel Müller, referring to the TV stations in Atmedia's portfolio. Examples include the documentary TV station Discovery Channel or the lifestyle TV station TLC - both channels offer their viewers the premieres of several series during July and August, and Discovery Channel also offers a brand new documentary series Epicentrum bouře from 21 July. The film TV channel Canal+ Action is taking a similar approach to its summer programming schedule, offering its viewers the premieres of films such as Včelař (2024), Ferrari (2023) and Jeden život (2023) during the summer holidays.

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