Source: Pixabay


2. 8. 20242. 8. 2024
Before the start of the Summer Olympics, the majority of the domestic online population declared their interest in watching the Games. This is a comparable proportion to previous Olympic Games.

More than half of the respondents (54%) planned to watch the performances of the world's athletes before the start of the Summer Games in Paris. 14% of people planned to watch the Games on a regular basis, two-fifths of them only occasionally. However, this is roughly the same as the case for both the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo and the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing. The older age group of 65+ (63%) are the most likely to want to watch the Games, especially men (70%), according to NADA Research.

Viewers most often plan to watch sports that interest them (68%), but the participation of Czech athletes in individual disciplines will also matter (60%). At this year's Olympic Games, the audience is most interested in athletics (63%) and about 2/5 of respondents are looking forward to tennis and football matches, whose popularity increases with age. Younger audiences are more likely to be interested in sports such as basketball, boxing and judo.

Source: NADA, full sample, n=5100

Before the Olympics, more than a fifth of those surveyed were not opposed to Russian athletes participating in this year's Olympic Games (Games). Another third were in line with this position, but only under certain conditions. Less than a third of the population (28%) is negative about the participation of Russian athletes and less than a fifth (18%) has no opinion on the matter.

Source: NADA, full sample, n=5100

The research was conducted through a web-based survey (CAWI) as part of the National Data Collection on a sample of 5,100 respondents in February-April 2024. Authored by NADA Research.

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