

4. 7. 20244. 7. 2024
Two-fifths of Czechs are going abroad on holiday, most often to the seaside or for sightseeing.

Most Czechs are going on a summer holiday this year, often more than one: 56% of those planning a summer break are even going on two or more holidays. Almost two-fifths of Czechs will go abroad. Of the types of holidays, those by the sea and sightseeing lead the way. Less than a third of holidaymakers plan to use the services of a travel agency, mainly the older generation. The main reason for arranging a holiday through a travel agency is to save time when planning. This is according to a survey conducted by ResSolution Group, which involved 500 respondents from the Czech National Panel's internet population aged 15 and over.

A quarter of Czechs are planning a holiday in the Czech Republic, 16% abroad and 22% both domestic and foreign. 23% of respondents will not go on any holiday this summer and 14% have not yet decided. Young Czechs are more likely to go on holiday this summer than older ones. Among the 15-34 age group, 74% of respondents are planning to go on holiday, 65% of those aged 35-54 and only 49% of those aged 54+. People from Prague and the Central Bohemian Region are more likely (27%) than other Czechs (20%) to plan to go both domestically and abroad.

In terms of the number of holidays, the majority plan to go on a maximum of two holidays (40% for one holiday only, 38% for two holidays). 12% plan to go on three holidays and 6% of Czechs will go on four or more holidays.

The most frequent destination for Czechs this year will be the sea - 39% of those planning a holiday are going on this type of holiday, most often people from the middle generation of 35-54 years old (42%). Right behind is a sightseeing holiday, which 36% of respondents will go on. However, the reputation of Czechs as mountain people is also confirmed: 28% plan to go on a hiking holiday. In the youngest group (15-34 years old), hiking or mountain holidays together with sightseeing holidays are even the most common types of planned holidays, with 43% and 42% of them planning to go on them this year. The top four most common summer holidays are completed by a stay in a rented cottage, which 21% of this year's holidaymakers are planning.

A third will use the services of a travel agent

32% of respondents planning to take at least one of their holidays this year are planning to use the services of a travel agent or agency, with people aged 34+ choosing this option significantly more than younger respondents, as well as those with less education than those with a university degree. The main reasons for choosing an agency or agency for Czechs who plan to use them are mainly saving time when planning (51%), the feeling of being taken care of in case of an accident or sudden complication (36%), the possibility to use the services of a Czech-speaking guide or delegate (35%) and a lower risk of fraud (33%).

In contrast, those who do not plan to use a travel agency or tour operator (63%) most often cite as a reason that they enjoy planning their holiday independently (61%). The second most common reason is that they do not want to be tied to a fixed programme (43%). The too high price of tours was cited as a reason by 28%. More than a quarter (26%) are put off from using a travel agency because they would have to spend their holiday with strangers.

The most common negative experience is accommodation

Over a quarter of Czechs have had an unpleasant holiday experience. The most frequent respondents are aged between 15 and 34 (39%), people from rural areas (31%) and also men (32%) rather than women (22%). The most typical negative experiences were related to accommodation (42%), weather (23%), behaviour of other tourists (21%) or health (19%).

In open-ended responses, respondents also described their negative experiences in specific terms. Complaints about dirty accommodation or accommodation that did not match the photos on offer were frequently repeated - some even ended their stay early because of this. Excessively high prices in tourist destinations also left a negative mark on holidays. Respondents also recalled negative experiences with food they did not like or, in several cases, had digestive problems from. Noise is also a problem on holidays, either from other hotel guests or from evening discos near the accommodation.

Czechs are also not short of unpleasant experiences related to transport. Stories of destroyed or forgotten suitcases, delayed and cancelled flights, or even traffic accidents were frequently mentioned in the answers. More curious unpleasant experiences include experiences with various natural elements during holidays - flooding was mentioned more than once and one respondent even experienced a volcanic eruption.

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