Štěpán Ryska, Lubor Burda; Source: Rádio Blaník


25. 9. 202425. 9. 2024
Radiohouse in cooperation with TV Nova will support local regional entrepreneurs in the fight against global competition. Together, they will make nearly 80 million crowns worth of advertising space available to them.

Radiohouse will support entrepreneurs in the regions in cooperation with TV Nova. It will release advertising space worth 79 million. CZK. This is a third more than two years ago. The support will be distributed according to the size of each region. Signing up for the RH 300 Cross project is possible via the form. The company will also help companies with the production of spots and visual elements of the campaign free of charge. Applications are open until the end of November.

"The scissors between large and small businesses are opening up fast. The economic development is far from being felt equally by everyone and smaller local players are unfortunately starting to lose out to the competition," explains Stěpán Ryska, managing director of Radiohouse, the media representation of Radio Blaník, the Hitradio network, Rock Radio, Fajn Radio, Radio Expres FM, Radio Krokodýl and others. He wants to motivate entrepreneurs to be more active and give them free advertising time to create brands. It will add digital media support from its own media group as well as TV Nova.

How do you assess the current market development?

Electronic media have seen advertising revenue growth for many quarters in a row, and radio advertising is no exception. However, not all companies that advertise with us are doing as well. When comparing small businesses with large, often global, players, we cannot speak of a universal wave of prosperity. The reasons for this development are not to be found in the period of covide or the energy crisis. Our analysis shows that smaller and medium-sized regional entrepreneurs are less successful than larger players in seizing growth opportunities in areas such as innovation in manufacturing, the use of information technology, automation, artificial intelligence and marketing. In addition, global companies from Asia, for example, often operate under different conditions and do not have to follow the same rules that every Czech manufacturer must respect. Differences are reflected in production and distribution support, failure to comply with the same health standards, complaints procedures and administrative obligations in the area of data protection. If you have ever bought something very cheap with free shipping from a Chinese e-shop, you know what I am talking about.
In addition, global companies from, say, Asia often operate under different conditions and do not have to follow the same rules that every Czech manufacturer must respect.

In 2022, 300 entrepreneurs received support. What was the result of the RH 300 PRO programme?

The programme was successful then. As the name suggests, we supported 300 companies. We are planning a similar scale this year. We will also invest more of our free time in support, but the number of companies will be the same. We are certainly not able to cover all requests due to the limited capacity of free advertising time. It should also be said that most of the original companies supported are still our clients today, so we also see this support as an investment in relationships and future business in regions across the Czech Republic.

This time, the regional radio stations have enlisted the help of Nova TV. What exactly will this cooperation look like?

I am pleased that Lubor Burda, who heads digital advertising at Nova, and I quickly agreed on suitable regionally targeted products based on HbbTV. We share the idea of supporting local entrepreneurs. By adding Nova's formats into a common package, we will improve our clients' reach and effective visuals on the biggest screen in the home. We called the joint package RH 300 Cross because it offers reach across media types. In addition to audio spots on radio, streams and podcasts, it now includes regionally targeted visual advertising available on our digital media and, most notably, HbbTV on TV Nova channels.

Do you want to replace the role of media agencies by offering a broader media mix?

You know, we don't want to take over the role of media agencies, but we see where the development is going. Of course, I'm always happy to sell radio and digital audio spots to a media agency so that they can then combine them effectively with other media channels themselves. All the leading agencies in the Czech Republic have a decent know-how for this and this business still works well for a large part of the market. However, no media agencies operate at the level of those smaller businesses, because complex marketing consultation takes time and you can hardly pay for an hour of a specialist's time for an overall small advertising investment. Rather, we leverage the fact that we have a mass cross-media product intervention that is fine-tuned, fully automated. We also have less than two hundred regional consultants with knowledge of the environment who can present the product to the market and select the most appropriate candidates. Everything works quickly with little input and cost and with high impact.
We take advantage of having a mass cross-media intervention in a product that is fine-tuned, fully automated.

What will be the principle of the promotion this year and who can take advantage of it?

We will release advertising space worth 79 million kroner for the whole group, that's about a third more than two years ago. The support will be distributed according to the size of each region. In principle, we will offer the best year-round business conditions to three hundred new, previously unadvertised clients, plus we will virtually double the volume of spots and extend our reach through digital media so that the effect of advertising is felt as quickly as possible. To sign up for RH 300 Cross, please use the form: https://www.radiohouse.cz/rh-300-cross/. We will also help them with the production of the spots and the visual elements of the campaign free of charge. Companies wishing to participate in this project should not hesitate too much. In addition, they must show that advertising support has a chance of generating reasonable results for them. This means, for example, having a really functional traffic already, but also an optimized website or active social media profiles or other channels for collecting contacts and inquiries. For those who don't have these basics, we provide information, including practical guides and workshops, on how to get started.

Is the programme time limited?

RH 300 Cross is only open for applications this year, until the end of November, and support will run throughout the following year. Advertising will be deployed evenly in all months. In previous programmes, clients have initially criticised us for not focusing only on their peak season. However, our program is based on branding and as we all know, branding in radio is not built before the season but over the long term.

How will you measure results?

We have tried to make the advertising package as simple as possible, with formats that can be easily combined and compared and evaluated for impact. We are often the first to provide and explain media metrics to clients. However, what smaller businesses really expect is to see results directly in increased sales, that's the best report for them. Our experience shows us that a year is long enough for an investment in branding their quality products and services to deliver increased sales. In addition, a good brand is then the best way to counter the competition in the long term.

Source: mediaguru.cz
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