Source: Coca-Cola


18. 12. 202418. 12. 2024
Positive reactions to Christmas advertisements prevail over negative ones among the Czech population. The findings are presented in a research by ResSolution Group.

Czechs have a rather positive (40%) than negative (27%) attitude towards Christmas ads. A third of respondents (33%) have a neutral attitude towards Christmas ads. This is according to a survey conducted by ResSolution Group for

The positive attitude increases with decreasing age. While a quarter (28%) of respondents in the 55+ age group have a positive attitude towards the ads, the figure is 54% for respondents aged 15-34.

At the same time, the majority of the Czech online population feels that the airing of Christmas ads starts soon. As many as two-thirds of respondents (64%) think so, while only a quarter (24%) think they start at the right time. 45% of respondents said that Christmas ad campaigns should start in December, while 44% of respondents think they should start in November. The younger the age group, the more likely they are to see October or November as a good time to start Christmas advertising campaigns.

Source: ResSolution Group, base: full sample, N=528

However, when choosing Christmas presents, people are usually not inspired by Christmas ads. Two-fifths (41%) of respondents said they are rarely inspired by Christmas ads. A third of respondents (32%) are never inspired by adverts and a quarter sometimes. Only 2% of respondents are often inspired by Christmas adverts.

Respondents most often say they associate Kofola with Christmas advertising (38%), with Coca-Cola in second place (33%) and Alza in third place, but with a significant drop, at 11%.
More than a quarter of respondents (26%) did not know which brand they would associate Christmas ads with. Women were more likely than men to cite the brands Merci or Orion. Cola and Coca-Cola are more likely to be associated with Christmas advertising by respondents in the youngest age group (46% and 39% respectively).

About the research

  • Method: The research was carried out by means of a web-based survey (CAWI). Respondents are part of the Czech National Panel.

  • Target group: Internet population 15+

  • Sample: Data analysis was conducted on a sample of 528 respondents.

  • Field Collection: Field data collection was conducted between 14 November and 19 November 2024.

  • Implementer: ResSolution Group


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