Although the number of complaints about poor reception of terrestrial TV signals has been declining in recent years, the Czech Telecommunications Authority (ČTÚ) still records cases where viewers experience problems. The Authority tries to resolve these complaints as quickly and efficiently as possible. Forms, telephone support and, if necessary, on-site technicians are available. The aim is to make the process as simple as possible for viewers and to ensure an uninterrupted television experience. Local viewer enquiries help identify the causes of problems, which are often faults on the viewer's end - whether it's the aerial, its alignment or the TV itself.
Where a source of interference is identified, the Authority notifies the complainant of the identified condition and actively assists with further action, or even rectification of the fault. Interference from mobile network base stations (BTS) is an important factor affecting reception quality. The ČTÚ has been monitoring the situation in this area for a long time and has taken measures to minimise the impact on viewers. It is important to monitor the number of complaints and prevent situations where new BTS cause interference. A key tool is the test operation of power-limited stations to detect potential problems and, in the event of massive interference, the Authority may order the transmitter to be switched off.
Cooperation and rapid interference, poor coverage
The ČTÚ works closely with mobile operators to resolve interference cases and has put in place measures to reduce the time from receipt of a complaint to rectification of the problem. In certain cases, ČTÚ technicians can install an interference filter directly at the viewer's premises to speed up the process. The viewer does not have to wait for a technician from the operator. In addition, the ČTÚ has initiated a requirement that operators do not commission new BTS during holidays and sporting events to avoid negative impacts.
Another problem is the lack of TV signal coverage, which the ČTÚ is addressing by monitoring the quality and cooperating with operators. In 2024, 4.5% of cases were addressed in this way. This could be situations outside the range of the transmitter or interference with the signal due to terrain irregularities. The ČTÚ tries to find a solution in these situations as well and ensure the best possible reception for viewers. While the Authority tries to address interference and coverage problems, the most common cause of problems remains faults with the viewers themselves.
Viewer glitches and the impact of inversion weather
The most common problem is the antenna - its malfunction, misdirection, or improper placement. Other common causes are TV set malfunctions or poorly tuned channels. The Authority tries to inform and educate viewers about how to prevent these problems so that they can enjoy uninterrupted television reception. A specific problem that adversely affects signal quality is inversion weather, which causes propagation abnormalities and can lead to temporary degradation or loss of reception.
Inversion weather, typical of autumn and winter, can affect larger areas. The ČTÚ registers an increased number of complaints during these periods, but technically nothing can be done about this problem. Viewers have no choice but to wait for weather conditions to improve. Despite these occasional complications, it is important to remember that inversion weather is a natural phenomenon that cannot be controlled. This phenomenon was recently the subject of a recent episode of Digitalk CZ channel interview, in which telecommunications expert Petr Formánek spoke in detail.
Terrestrial TV still has a strong position
Despite growing competition from internet services and mobile networks, digital terrestrial television still has a strong position in the Czech Republic. This is evident from data published regularly by the operator ČRA based on data from Nielsen Admosphere. Approximately half of Czech households use this free TV reception method. The ČRA is aware of the importance of terrestrial television for Czech viewers. Therefore, it will continue to focus on and actively pursue the best possible quality of television reception. It is actively working on measures to protect it and ensure smooth reception.
The importance of terrestrial broadcasting also lies in its role in crisis situations where it may be the only available source of information. The ČTÚ is therefore focusing not only on solving current problems, but also on prevention and ensuring the stability and reliability of terrestrial broadcasting in the future. The aim is to ensure that terrestrial television remains an important and reliable source of information and entertainment for all Czech households, regardless of technological advances and the development of alternative platforms. It therefore follows modern trends and is aware of possible future challenges related to, for example, the release of unused frequencies.