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1. 10. 20211. 10. 2021
New research from Criteo found that 69% of consumers felt that streaming was a better value for their money than cable TV; 64% said the content was more entertaining

PARIS, France—New research from Criteo offers a host of new data points highlighting the growing importance of streaming in consumers’ lives, with survey results showing increased viewing time and the growing impact of streaming on purchasing decisions.

A large majority also highlighted how much they value these services, with 69% saying streaming was a better value for their money than cable TV and 64% saying that the content was more entertaining.

"The State of Video & Connected TV Survey” from Criteo found that viewing of streaming services were growing, with 63% of respondents saying they were spending more time streaming since the start of the pandemic and one in three Americans (36%) saying they spent more than 10 hours a week watching streaming services.

Those trends should continue, the survey found, with more than half (53%) of Millennials and Gen X respondents saying that they will be spending more time live streaming and 31% of those age groups saying they would be spending more time watching paid video streaming services.

Smart TVs are by far the most popular way to watch streaming services (73%), followed by smartphones (53%), laptops/PC (47%) and tablets (29%), according to the Criteo survey.

Three in four Americans (61%) say subscription cost is their top consideration for using a video streaming service while three in five (61%) would choose a viewing option with ads to save money.

Streaming services were also playing a more influential role in purchasing decisions. About 44% of Americans say that video streaming services have influenced their purchasing decisions in the last 12 months and more than half say they searched for featured products and services on their laptop, tablet or smartphone and visited the advertiser’s website after watching a video ad.

Among streaming services, Netflix topped the list, with 78% saying they use it, followed by Hulu (53%), YouTube (53%), Prime Video (46%), Disney Plus (43%), HBO Max (30%), Roku (25%), Apple TV (21%), Peacock (20%) and Amazon IMDb TV (19%).

Source: tvtechnology.com

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