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22. 2. 202222. 2. 2022
Internet video viewing “skyrocketing” in the czech republic according to the national transmission company CRa.

CRa adds that it provides infrastructure for OTT services to customers such as the TV groups Prima and Nova and the Mafra publishing house. It is also developing the possibility of targeted content broadcasting within HbbTV.

Commenting on the development, Milos Mastnik, CRa sales director, said: DVB-T2 terrestrial television is a state-of-the-art technology platform that offers a variety of content access options. In addition to the most popular linear broadcast, viewers are increasingly using services connected to the internet via HbbTV, which is part of DVB-T2 broadcasting, which in turn leads to the need to be able to better target content.

“That’s why we’ve developed new features that allow TV stations to work better with their own content and commercial communications. The success of these services with viewers proves that they are already used to connecting television broadcasting with the internet”.

CRa concludes by saying that as part of OTT services, it provides the CRa Media Cloud product, which includes a full range of services from content processing for distribution to the internet to delivery to end-customer facilities. It uses its own infrastructure for video content processing and at the same time its own Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Source: broadbandtvnews.com
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