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2. 2. 20222. 2. 2022
Food chains led by Lidl, Kaufland and Albert were the biggest advertisers last year, according to Nielsen Admosphere monitoring.

Three foreign food chains were the biggest advertisers in 2021. Food also became the strongest advertising segment in the Czech Republic. They are followed by the banking/insurance and electronics segments in terms of volume of advertising placed. This is shown by the Nielsen Admosphere Ad Intel advertising monitoring data.

According to the ad monitoring data, which corresponds to list prices of advertising, the top three positions in advertising activity of individual companies were occupied by food chains Lidl, Kaufland and Albert. The monitored advertising value of each of them was around CZK 2 billion. The next places belonged to Sazka and Alza.cz (both had advertising worth CZK 1.7 billion).

Price list value of advertising for TOP 10 advertisers; Source: Nielsen Admosphere

Price list value of advertising for TOP 10 categories; Source: Nielsen Admosphere

"The top five positions in the ranking remained almost unchanged compared to last year, with food chains continuing to be the strongest advertisers. The only change was in fourth and fifth place, where Sazka and Alza.cz swapped positions compared to last year. Both companies operate with similar media budgets,"

comments Tomáš Hynčica, Ad Intel Business Director at Nielsen Admosphere.

The next two places were taken by sponsors that have been added to the ranking since last year: the sixth place belonged to Simply You Pharmaceuticals (which has in its portfolio brands of dietary supplements such as ArginMax, Clavin or Lipoxal), and the seventh place to HP Tronic Zlín (representing e.g. Datart or e-shop Eta.cz). Billa, Mountfield and Henkel ranked eighth to tenth.

Last year, there were 15 advertisers with an annual advertising value of over CZK 1 billion.

An overview of the advertising market in 2021 by investment in individual media types will be published by Nielsen Admosphere in the week of 14 February 2022.

Source: mediaguru.cz

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