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21. 2. 202221. 2. 2022
TV Nova tops the ranking of media companies operating in the Czech Republic in terms of revenue, Seznam in terms of profit.

TV Nova Group was the strongest media company by turnover in the Czech Republic, according to its 2020 results (the latest available at the moment). In the first year of the pandemic, it was the only one to achieve revenues from the sale of products and services of over CZK 5 billion. The internet company Seznam.cz also reached the CZK 5 billion mark. The Prima group was the third strongest with sales of over CZK 3.6 billion.

The five strongest in terms of turnover also included Mafra and Czech News Center with sales of CZK 2.5 billion and CZK 2.1 billion, respectively, and Vltava Labe Media was at the level of CZK 2 billion. The same six were the strongest media companies in the previous year.

In terms of profit in 2020, Seznam.cz achieved the best results. Its profit for the year was CZK 1.3 billion and it was the only domestic media company to make a profit of more than a billion. After Seznam, both commercial TV groups Nova and Prima followed suit.

In terms of profit, the situation is different than by the measure of revenue. None of the three strongest publishing groups (Mafra, CNC, VLM) were profitable in 2020. Commercial radio groups (Active Radio, Londa and Media Bohemia), which finished the year 2020 in black numbers, have thus entered the ranking of media companies by profit.

The list of TOP media companies by revenue included those companies whose revenues from the sale of products and services exceeded CZK 80 million in 2020 and whose annual reports and financial statements were available for 2020. A number of media companies have still not submitted them. The overview takes into account the unconsolidated results of media companies.

Source: mediaguru.cz



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