The delivered volume of TV ad GRPs for the first three quarters of this year is 4.5 percent higher than in the same period last year. This is the outcome of Nielsen Admosphere monitoring. The result includes standard TV spots and sponsoring.
However, the figure does not reflect the actual size of TV ad demand given that not all campaigns could be included in broadcasting as the capacities are sold out. As we have already informed several times, this year’s interest seen in (not only) the TV ad market is enormous and the media faces the issue of having its ad space sold out.
The strongest entities in the TV ad market in terms of delivered GRPs remain Media Club and TV Nova. The highest year-on-year increase was seen by Česká televize (more than 50% year-on-year) and Atmedia (a third year-on-year).

Media Club - Nova Group - Total ČT - Atmedia
Source: ATO-Nielsen Admosphere, TV spots and sponsoring, calculated for purchase target groups of the relevant entities