Source: TV Nova


12. 3. 202412. 3. 2024
The narrative romantic series set against the backdrop of the events of 1939 has entered the portfolio of the major international distributor ONZA Distribution. The Golden Swan convinced especially by the quality of processing and the audience reach that the series has gained on the domestic market. The series will be presented at major international markets and festivals such as MIPTV and Series Mania.
"Golden Swan is an exceptional project, it is the very first period series of TV Nova in its history. The interest of a foreign distributor confirms that Czech series are competitive and have the potential to reach audiences outside our territory. We are thrilled that thanks to the merger with ONZA Distribution, the stories of our heroes will go out into the world, and not only Czech viewers will be able to appreciate the gripping story, brilliant acting performances and breathtaking sets and costumes,"

says Klára Follová, TV Nova's creative producer.

She adds:
"Zlatá labuť (The Golden Swanseries) will be presented at the most important television markets and festivals in the world, such as MIPTV or Series Mania, which I consider a great success not only for TV Nova but also for the entire Czech television production."

The series was created in collaboration with producers and showrunners from Dramedy Productions Filip Bobinski, Jan Coufal and Petr Šizling, who have already produced a number of hit series for the audience and have produced another very successful series for Nova in the past, O me se neboj se neboj. "The Golden Swan is further proof that Czech filmmakers can make a beautiful period series that has international parameters and is able to attract audiences around the world. The interest of the renowned foreign distributor ONZA, which has been asking me for the project for several months, makes me believe that Swan will thrive and build on the success of our previous series, The First Republic, which has been sold to no less than sixty countries around the world," Filip Bobinski said about the cooperation.
"We are delighted to represent this successful period series and are confident that it will attract the attention of our international partners,"

said Béatrice Nouh, Sales Director at Onza Distribution, adding: "This is a great example of the quality production that can be found in your region and we are excited about our new collaboration with TV Nova."

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