Zdroj: TV Nova


1. 12. 20231. 12. 2023
TV Nova presented its sixteenth award to promising young filmmakers as part of the Night of Film Hopes festival. Students and pupils could submit their films in one of five categories. In total, a record 174 entries were submitted this year, which meant 157 films, or 28 hours of material, and 17 scripts were judged by an expert jury of creative producers and dramaturgs.
"We are glad that the students, teachers and other film enthusiasts who were part of the festival this year are developing audiovisual creation through their hard work and that we were able to show their work to the general public,"

says Hynek Lorenc, executive producer of the project.

In the youngest category, which this year for the fourth time was looking for the most talented filmmaker under the age of 15, the winner was director Valerie Kuběnová, who made the excellent film Novej tag as part of AeroSchool. Her film succeeded in a competition of 41 films submitted by pupils to the festival this year.

The best documentary of 2023 was an unconventional animated documentary by director Barbora Kučerová whose film Reconciliation won the main prize of CZK 50,000 and beat 19 other documentaries that competed for this prize in the Documentary category this year.

The animated film Father's Legacy by Filip Blažek and Marek Kukačka from the University of Economics was unanimously selected by the jury as the best animated film of 2023.

Traditionally the strongest category, Feature Film, with 70 entries this year, was dominated by Island of Freedom by Petr Januschka from Tomas Bata University in Zlín. The film, starring Jiří Mádl and Judit Pecháček, sums up in one flight how difficult the paths of love and freedom were during the communist period.

The winner in the Screenplay category was screenwriter Ondřej Nuslauer with his screenplay entitled It Started with Solitude from FAMU. His screenwriting qualities are undeniable, as this year he defended his last year's first place.

Source: tv.nova.cz
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