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8. 7. 20248. 7. 2024
The Czech population is above the EU average in the use of the internet and social networks. The number of online shoppers is also increasing and Generation Z is beginning to make its mark on the market. And what are the other current online trends? This is what Vojtěch Lambert from LCG New Media describes.

The latest data on domestic internet usage shows that nine out of ten people use the internet. And between 2019 and 2023, 1.4 million new people will both go online and make purchases. Surprisingly, the biggest growth last year was in the 18-24 age group. It was 100,000 new shoppers from Generation Z. There was no significant growth in other age groups.

How are Czechs doing in their use of social networks? Here again, the numbers are high, being six percent above the EU average. In a year-on-year comparison (2022 and 2023), there was a big increase in Instagram and TikTok. Despite the report from NUCIB, the number of TikTok users increased by 12 percent. Interestingly, the largest increases occurred in the 35-44 and 44-54 age groups, at 35 percent and 70 percent, respectively. Looking at it more specifically, Instagram grew by 18-20 percent across the age structures, and 43 percent within the 44-54 age group. Facebook, on the other hand, saw a 12 per cent drop in the under-24 age group, and grew by 20 per cent in the 44+ group. In the 55+ age group, YouTube reaches 73 percent of the population and Facebook reaches 30 percent. TikTok and Instagram do not even reach ten percent. Overall, YouTube reaches 95 percent of the internet population and is still the leader.

"Facebook has reached its peak within the middle and younger age population in the country, reaching around 5.5 million people. We see a clear trend of declining reach within the under-25s who prefer Snapchat, Instagram or TikTok. Thus, Facebook is finding and growing especially among the oldest age population. Most new users sign up because they have friends there. Despite all this, it is still the main social media sales channel for most companies in the Czech Republic," says Vojtech Lambert, CEO of LCG New Media.

Global trends, in turn, are best demonstrated on Generation Z. It contributes to the growth of online sales both in the Czech Republic and worldwide (more are being added all the time). They use Instagram and Snapchat the most to communicate with each other (also in our country). They use TikTok primarily for information search. On TikTok, users view 33 times more videos in one minute than the number of queries made on Google in one minute. In terms of shopping, young people are most likely to shop via Instagram, and across all social media users, they shop the most on Facebook. Already, more than 60 per cent of all social media activity is watching videos - this has seen a 100 per cent growth over the last five years.

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