Don't miss these panels featuring speakers from ACPV members:
10. května – Nextv AD Europe:
- Iva Dohnálková, Business Development Manager, TV Nova – Advertising innovations from FTA broadcasters
- Petr Miláček, Director of Analyses, FTV Prima – Audience measurement in the OTT Era

11. května – Nextv SERIES Europe:
- Daniel Grunt, CEO, TV Nova – OTT competition: Is there room for new players? / The changing landscape of the TV and OTT market in CEE
- Jakub Strýček, Marketing Director, TV Nova – OTT competition: Is there room for new players?
- Jan Vlček, Group Revenue Officer, CME – FTA´ s role in the streaming landscape

12. května– Nextv SERIES Europe:
- Josef Beneš, VOD Director, TV Prima – The Changing Landscape of the TV and OTT market in CEE
- Daniel Grunt, CEO, TV Nova – The changing landscape of the TV and OTT market in CEE
- Silvia Majeská, Program Director, TV Nova – Surge of SVOD: Content Strategies of Pay TV and Brodacasters

Detailed program here:
- Nextv Ad Europe -
- Nextv Series Europe -