Maximising Profit through Attention brings together Lumen’s benchmarks for its APM attention metric (attentive seconds per 1000 impressions) with the Full Profit ROI channel benchmarks from Profit Ability 2, which was commissioned by Thinkbox earlier this year. (It’s produced by Ebiquity, EssenceMediacom, Gain Theory, Mindshare, and Wavemaker UK, using their econometric databases of client data.)

Key findings
The study shows a 0.98 correlation (where 1 is complete correlation and 0 no correlation at all) between the number of attentive seconds per thousand ad impressions delivered by a media channel and the long-term incremental profit generated for brands.
Cinema delivers an average £102 of incremental profit, followed by TV on £48; online display is the worst performer on this measure, returning just £3.
A caveat: the study acknowledges that the 0.98 figure is based on a small number of datapoints and states that “This is just a starting point for further investigations at lower levels of granularity and from case to case”.
The advertising industry’s focus on attention is a relatively recent development, but research has rapidly advanced beyond vanity metrics to show how attention can drive memory and brand outcomes. The next step is to see if attention can be linked to business results – and the early indicators suggest this is indeed the case.
The big picture
The study notes that “by combining attention data with econometric modelling results, brands gain a more complete view of media effectiveness, blending the strategic insights of MMM with the detailed psychological insights provided by attention measurement. Together, they capture both the big picture and the mechanisms that drive profitability.”
Source:, Ebiquity