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2. 3. 20232. 3. 2023
Most consumers believe business can be a force for good, with 80% agreeing that brands can make money and support good causes at the same time, according to research from Ipsos.

Further, almost two-thirds say they try to buy products from brands that act responsibly, even if it costs more.

These are among the findings from the research company’s Global Trends 2023 report, based on 48,000 interviews across 50 markets.

Why it matters

In a period of multiple crises – the world has emerged from a pandemic into a period of economic uncertainty, war and accelerating climate change – many people still hold to the notion that business, and by extension brands, can help change things for the better.

It therefore behoves those same businesses and brands to step up to the mark. At the same time, however, Ipsos finds 53% of people don’t trust business leaders to tell the truth – and marketers will be in the front line of addressing that gap.

Key trends

  • Eight in 10 agree that the world is headed for environmental disaster unless we change our habits quickly (but half also agree that scientists don’t really know what they are talking about on environmental issues).

  • Six in 10 fear that technical progress is destroying our lives (although 71% also say they can’t imagine life without the internet).

  • While only 31% are optimistic for the world in the coming year, most consider themselves happy (57%), and 59% are optimistic about how 2023 will pan out for themselves and their family.

  • Despite talk of the end of globalisation, six in 10 people across the world believe it is good for them personally (62%) and for their market (66%).

The full report to be downloaded here.

Source: warc.com
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