Source: České dráhy


27. 2. 202427. 2. 2024
Celebrity ads grab people's attention more than any other ads. Actors have long been the most popular, according to research by Ressolution Group and Nielsen.

Two-fifths of Czechs agree that ads with a famous personality catch their attention more than any other ads. Moreover, for about one in three, the presence of a positively perceived celebrity has a positive impact on their perception of the brand or product being promoted. Actors and actresses are the most popular advertisers. All this is according to the Best Actor and Actress in Advertising 2023 survey, conducted by the research agency Ressolution Group in cooperation with Nielsen and the Czech National Panel. Eight thousand online respondents over the age of 15 took part.

According to the survey, it can really pay off for brands to cast a well-known personality in an ad, as they often attract attention more than other ads. This is currently the position of 41% of respondents surveyed. Only 6% of respondents feel that personality has the opposite effect.

In this context, 3 out of 10 respondents also said that when a well-known personality they like appears in an advertisement, it has a positive effect on their attitude towards the advertised service or product. Almost half of the 15-24 year olds expressed this view. On the other hand, the presence of a personality they do not like will negatively affect their attitude towards a brand or product for 28% of respondents.

Played spots lead, influencers catch up with young people

Of the advertising formats in which personalities appear, the "traditional" feature spot, whether TV or online, still leads: it is preferred by 44% of respondents, with the highest proportion of respondents aged 45-54. Far behind professional spots are personal product or brand recommendations from a celebrity on social media, which are now preferred by only 11% of respondents. The popularity of this type of promotion is much higher among young people aged 15-24, with 28% preferring recommendations on networks.

In this age group, networks are close to feature spots with a difference of only 9 percentage points, which were identified as favourite by 37%. At the very tail end of the general popularity are spoken spots on radio or podcasts (6%), billboards (4%) and print advertising (3%).

Good and bad personality-brand connection

And what best describes a good connection between a celebrity and a brand or product for people in the Czech Republic? Most (16%) respondents said it was a natural or convincing display of personality in advertising. For 13%, it is beneficial if the celebrity and the brand are from the same industry, and 12% appreciate if the celebrity works with the brand for a long time.

Conversely, 19% of respondents believe that a bad connection between a celebrity and a brand can occur if the celebrity's speech in an ad is unconvincing. More than a tenth (12%) then think it hurts if the brand communication does not connect with the celebrity at all, and the same percentage rate it badly if the chosen celebrity does not fit the brand image.

Actors and actresses have no competition

For several years now, the survey confirms that the most popular celebrities in Czech commercials are actors and actresses, preferred by 35% of respondents. The second place belongs to sportsmen and sportswomen, who are preferred by 10% of people. Other celebrities (such as singers/singers, influencers/influencers, models or presenters/moderators) were present only in the answers of one percent of respondents. Influencers, however, again score more strongly among young people: 18% of them prefer them in their advertisements, while only 4% of the whole sample answered this way.

Of the specific personalities in Czech advertising, last year's winner among respondents was Ivan Trojan, who took first place for the fifth time in the history of the Best Actor in Advertising survey. He scored points for his performance in the Czech Railways commercials. The second place went to Tat'ána Kuchařová - despite the fact that models are generally not among the most preferred type of celebrities appearing in commercials. Third place went to Tomáš Jeřábek for his role in the Air Bank commercials, which coincidentally was his last appearance last year.

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