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12. 4. 202312. 4. 2023
A new report from TVision Insights and Tegna illustrates just how much co-viewing impacts viewership numbers on streaming.

The study, which was conducted using data from TVision’s proprietary software to measure persons-based viewing, showed that Premion was able to achieve a 19% boost over CTV norms based on a metric called VPVH (views per viewable household) which is defined as “the average number of viewers present in the home when the TV is on.”

The rub here is that Premion focuses on premium content, something that is still not a given on CTV. For now.

But with most of the big FAST aggregators making an aggressive push towards quality/premium programming, the expected growth of the ad-supported subscription market, and the push to contextual targeting, being able to measure persons-based viewing assumes much greater importance and needs to be incorporated into any relevant measurement data.

There are, of course, a number of reasons for that.

Why It Matters

While it may seem as if most of the programming on the bigger FASTs these days is premium content, either library network series or Hollywood movies, there is still a decent sized chunk that is just a step above UGC.

This dates back to the early days of streaming when certain services were looking to make a statement with the number of apps they had available. The sad fact was that many of those apps were not professional quality.

Thus it has become very important for advertisers to understand not just how many households are watching, but also, how many people within each household.

That VPVH stat will also prove important too, as contextual advertising takes off and people-based targeted fades. While targeting a specific genre of programming is useful, knowing that certain genres or keywords will return higher VPVH numbers is too, as it will allow those programmers to charge higher CPMs to advertisers who are now getting greater reach.

What You Need To Do About It

If you are involved in measuring streaming advertising, having a solid source of person-based data is key. Household viewing data via ACR is much more reliable than old school panel-based data, but knowing who in the household was watching as well as how many people were watching, is key.

If you are an advertiser, insist on getting VPVH data, especially on a local level, as not all streaming content is created equal and you want to get the most out of your ad spend.

If you are in the industry and can come up with a less awkward term than “persons based measurement,” have at it. If it’s a good one, you will have the full weight of TVREV promoting it for you.

Source: tvrev.com
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