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27. 6. 202227. 6. 2022
Up to 72% of consumers would choose a brand with a sense of humour over its competitors. However, most advertisers are afraid of being funny.

People appreciate a sense of humour, even in brand marketing communications. Funny brands are preferred by 91% of consumers and 72% prefer them over their dry competitors. However, even so, 95% of advertisers dread humor when interacting with their customers. This is according to a global survey by Oracle, which polled more than 12,000 people.

According to the survey, humorous communication can significantly improve brand connection. Humorous advertising is more likely to be remembered by up to 90% of respondents. However, only 20% of offline ads and 18% of online ads use humour.

Three-quarters of respondents would follow a brand and its social channels just because it is funny, 69% would open a humorously-texted direct mail and 68% would even prefer a chatbot that communicates humorously. More than three quarters of respondents (77%) would rather buy from a salesperson with a sense of humour. Most people (78%) believe brands can make them feel happy. Up to 88% seek out new experiences that put them in a good mood.

Funny brands can win loyal customers and those who don't hesitate to defend them on social media and elsewhere. Almost half of respondents (48%) believe they have no relationship with a brand unless it makes them laugh, and 41% walk away from brands that don't make them laugh regularly. 80% of people buy brands with a sense of humour repeatedly and 63% of respondents recommend it to family and friends, and are even willing to spent more on it.

While 89% of submitters see humorous communications as an opportunity to improve the customer experience, 95% are concerned about humour in customer interactions. They mostly (85%) lack the insights and tools to be funny. They believe customer data or technology, such as using artificial intelligence, would contribute to greater confidence.

Source: mediaguru.cz

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