More than four-fifths of respondents (83%) consume media at least occasionally during the summer months (June to August). The majority of them (66%) watch media as often during the holidays as during the rest of the year. Less frequent media consumption during the summer is reported by 25% of respondents and more frequent by 9%. Respondents without a high school diploma (72%) declare less media consumption over the summer compared to those with higher education, those from villages (77%) compared to larger municipalities and those from Bohemia (78%) compared to other regions. This is according to a Nielsen Admophere survey for
The youngest age group, 15-34 years old, chose to consume media more often during the holidays (13%) compared to older age groups. Conversely, lower media viewing was more often reported by women than men (27% vs. 24%), people with a college degree (28%) compared to those with lower education, and respondents from large cities (30%) compared to smaller villages, and less often by respondents over 55 (21%) compared to younger respondents.
More than one-fifth of at least occasional summer media consumers prefer live television in the summer, with the oldest age group 55+ dominating (37%) compared to all others. The second most popular summer media is radio, consumed by one-fifth of respondents, again dominated by the non-elderly 55+ age group (24%) compared to other age groups and respondents from the Czech Republic (23%) compared to other parts of the country. The third place was occupied by VOD services (Netflix, Voyo, HBO Max, etc.), which are the most preferred by 15% of summer media consumers. Here, on the other hand, the youngest age group, 15-34, clearly dominates (29%) compared to other groups.

The medium that people consume the most in summer (June to August) compared to the rest of the year is radio. By a smaller margin, TV and video content (from archives), magazines, cinema and streaming music (e.g. Spotify) follow with equal scores. Conversely, we watch less TV content (live and reverse) in the summer than at other times of the year and go to the cinema less. Radio and streaming music have the most stable consumption during the summer compared to other months of the year.

There are significant differences in media consumption across age groups. The youngest age group, 15-34, is more likely to use streaming music platforms (e.g. Spotify) and VOD services in the summer than the rest of the year (both 27%). The middle age group, 35-54, is more likely to listen to radio in the summer than the rest of the year (19%) and the oldest age group, 55+, is more likely to use back-to-back or archive TV in the summer than the rest of the year (11%).
Most summer media users watch films at least sometimes. A fifth watches them more often in the summer and three-fifths of respondents who consume media at least occasionally in the summer watch them as often as the rest of the year. Documentaries are watched more often in the summer by a tenth and as often as the rest of the year by three-fifths of respondents. Series are watched more often in the summer by 14% and as often as the rest of the year by more than half of media users.
The fewest respondents reported watching influencers and original videos, which are not consumed at all or rarely by more than half of summer media users. In the summer, 5% consume them more often than the rest of the year, and a quarter of summer media users consume them just as often.
Respondents aged 15-34 who consume media during the summer months are more likely to watch films (31%), soap operas (26%), travel shows (24%), funny videos (22%) and music videos (21%) in the summer than the rest of the year.
