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5. 8. 20245. 8. 2024
According to Hubspot research, 62 percent of consumers have viewed video content to gain information about a brand or product. But what's the difference between short and long videos, and what are their benefits? We wrote about this in the last issue of MAM - a double issue 32-33/2024.

The length of a video plays a key role in how well it can hold viewers' attention. Our ability to fully concentrate on a single activity is steadily shortening - a Microsoft report showed that people today start to lose concentration after eight seconds - up from 12 seconds in 2000. Short videos, often lasting less than 30 seconds, are therefore becoming increasingly popular, especially on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

LCG News Media CEO Vojtech Lambert says that "short videos under 30 seconds are ideal for grabbing attention quickly and are cheap". This format is ideal for building brand awareness and reaching a wider audience. 'Bumpers' of up to six seconds are a perfect example of how to effectively use short time to reach a target audience.

On the other hand, long videos that last longer than 10 minutes allow for more detailed explanations and storytelling. "They build a stronger trust and relationship with the brand," says Petra Nevečeřalová from Besocial. This format is ideal for educational content, case studies and detailed tutorials where the viewer needs to be not only informed but also convinced of the brand's expertise.

What direction will video marketing take in the coming years? Experts such as Vít Janda and Petra Nevečeřalová believe that the combination of short and long videos will remain key. Short videos quickly grab attention, while long videos allow for detailed presentation and complex "storytelling".

If you're interested in learning more about how to effectively use video content in your marketing strategy, read the full article here.

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