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This year's Innovation Lab focused on ways to most effectively reach Gen Z customers. Surprisingly, traditional media did not fare badly.

Generation Z, people born between 1995 and 2009, is gradually getting older. Its descendants can easily attend high school today and make up the emerging Alpha generation (born since 2010). Among the Czech population there are one million and two hundred thousand people between the ages of eighteen and 29, i.e. the aforementioned "zoomers". This has long been a fringe phenomenon, interesting only because representatives of Generation Z are used to being online since childhood.

Is there a renaissance in cinema advertising?

At the Innovation Lab conference, which is organised annually by the Visibility agency for its clients, Apolena Broďáková from the Behavio agency presented, among other things, a chart comparing the media behaviour of Generation Z with the general Czech online population, i.e. more than ninety percent of the population. The research on an online panel with five thousand respondents showed that although "young adults" consume less traditional media than the rest of the population, they can still be reached through them.

Source: Behavio, chart presented at Innovation Lab

Given the representativeness of the sample, it would almost be appropriate to say that while young adults prefer online media, they are still much more likely to go to the cinema. Social networks are the main source of stimuli, but cinema advertising with its event possibilities can reach young people and see a surprising renaissance! The print market, especially magazines, could take comfort in the same optimistic outlook. According to the research cited, the younger generation seeks out magazines even more often than their parents.

Traditional media are trusted by zoomers

Behavia's findings are confirmed by data presented at the conference by Piotr Żukowski, a representative of TikTok's Polish headquarters. Members of Generation Z most often consume media in the form of the Internet, social networks and television. The number of YouTube viewers almost equals the number of TV viewers. At the same time, young people trust social media the least of all media types.

Source:Oliver Wyman Forum / The New Movement Gen Z Survey, October - November 2022

Radio and print media are the most trusted sources of information for GenZ representatives, while television came in third from last, behind social media and the blogosphere, according to the Oliver Wyman Forum's A-Gen-Z Report. "It may be that interest in traditional media is declining over time, but it is certainly not waning in influence. You still reach the most people through them," comments Apolena Broďáková on the data.

A TikTok representative, by the way, took the exclusive opportunity to confirm the expected opening of advertising sales to Slovak customers within the next month. In this context, she offered figures from a presentation by Visibility's head of campaign department David Kotrč, which compared the numbers of viewers watching YouTube or TV in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. While in the Czech Republic the ratio between the most-watched Czech TV and YouTube viewers is 65:98, the most-watched Slovak group, TV Joj, is pulling back YouTube's lead to 78:96. Thus, TV advertising in Slovakia still offers the opportunity to effectively reach the youngest group of consumers.

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