Zdroj: HbbTV.org


24. 10. 202324. 10. 2023
The HbbTV Association, a global initiative dedicated to providing open standards for the delivery of advanced interactive TV services through broadcast and broadband networks for connected TV sets and set-top boxes, is pleased to unveil the conference programme of the HbbTV Symposium and Awards 2023. The annual key summit of the connected TV industry will take place on November 28-29 in Naples, co-hosted with Italian digital TV association Comunicare Digitale.

The conference, moderated by Annamaria Spera (Kineton) and Julian Clover (Broadband TV News), will be opened by HbbTV Chair Vincent Grivet and Andrea M. Michelozzi, President of Comunicare Digitale. HbbTV Vice-Chair Jon Piesing will provide a specification update, followed by a keynote from Paul Gray (Omdia) on developments in the global TV market. Panels and round tables will focus on new applications, services and distribution methods enabled by HbbTV, the role of HbbTV in DVB-I rollouts and the current state of HbbTV-based Targeted Advertising. A keynote by Laura Aria, Commissioner of Italian media regulator AGCOM, will close the first day.

The second day will, for the first time, feature an unconference at which the participants will decide on the agenda and topics, actively shaping and driving the discussions and conclusions. Ideas for unconference sessions are being collected via an online platform: all HbbTV Symposium participants are invited to submit the topics and questions of most interest to them and which could form the basis of a session at the unconference.
“The essential role of HbbTV in Targeted Advertising solutions and in the first DVB-I deployments underlines the commitment of Europe’s major broadcasters in the HbbTV specifications, enabling new revenue sources and innovative applications. The conference as well as the new unconference at this year’s HbbTV Symposium and Awards will provide a great opportunity to discuss new developments, services and challenges among the industry’s top-level executives and experts,”

said Vincent Grivet, Chair of the HbbTV Association. “

The HbbTV Symposium 2023 will also host the 6th edition of the HbbTV Awards, featuring a wide range of categories designed to acclaim best practice and excellence in the HbbTV community. The prizes will be awarded at a prestigious ceremony in the evening of the 1st conference day, November 28.

The event will take place at the Naples Maritime Station, a modern congress centre in the port area of Naples at the Mediterranean Sea, providing an excellent base for participants, sponsors and networking. Details on conference speakers, venue, recommended hotels, sponsors and media partners can be found at www.hbbtv.org/11th-hbbtv-symposium-and-awards-2023/.

Contact HbbTV Association:

Angelo Pettazzi
Chair HbbTV Marketing and Education Working Group (MEWG)
email: angelo.pettazzi@kineton.it
Tel: +39 335 7614 596

Source: hbbtv.org
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