Zdroj: HbbTV.org


10. 5. 202310. 5. 2023
The 11th HbbTV Symposium and Awards will take place on November 28-29, 2023 in Naples, Italy. This was announced today by the HbbTV Association, a global initiative dedicated to providing open standards for the delivery of advanced interactive TV services through broadcast and broadband networks for connected TV sets and set-top boxes.

The annual key summit of the connected TV industry, targeting platform operators, broadcasters, advertisers and adtechs, standards organisations and technology companies, will be co-hosted with Comunicare Digitale, an Italian association for the development of digital television.

For the first time, the HbbTV Symposium conference will be split into a traditional format with keynotes, presentations and round tables on the first day while the second day will host an unconference in which the participants will decide about the agenda, topics and discussions, actively shaping and driving the conference sessions and conclusions.
“We are excited about being back in Italy, hosting a new conference format. While delegates told us that they liked the previous concept, they also encouraged us to create more opportunities for interactivity between speakers and the audience, enabling more exchange among the participants. We are confident that the new structure will create an extraordinary event providing visitors with valuable insights on how to successfully develop their business in the changing market conditions,”

said Vincent Grivet, Chair of the HbbTV Association.

“We strongly support bringing the HbbTV Symposium and Awards to Italy as this is a great opportunity for our country given the event’s success in other European cities,” added Andrea M. Michelozzi, President of Comunicare Digitale. “Naples is an excellent choice with its rich history and strong enthusiasm for modern technologies driven by local market players which have largely contributed to the growth of HbbTV. Naples is ready for a breath-taking event, greatly inspiring all participants in Mediterranean surroundings.”

The HbbTV Symposium will take place at the Naples Maritime Station, a modern congress and exhibition centre located in the port area of Naples at the Mediterranean Sea. The event will also host the 6th edition of the HbbTV Awards, featuring a wide range of categories designed to acclaim best practice and excellence in the HbbTV community.

Targeting top-level executives of the connected TV industry, the HbbTV Symposium will provide a unique platform for commercial and promotional activities. Details on the sponsoring packages can be found in the Call for Sponsors. Interested companies are encouraged to secure their commercial arrangements quickly as the opportunities are limited, ensuring great visibility for the participating partners. Early bird offers with reduced rates are available until July 20, 2023.

About the HbbTV Association

Hybrid broadcast broadband TV (or "HbbTV") is a global initiative founded in 2010 developing a specification enabling the delivery of advanced and interactive TV and entertainment services to consumers through a combined use of both broadcast and broadband networks. The HbbTV specification is developed by industry leaders to improve the video experience of consumers on connected TV sets, set-top boxes and multiscreen devices. The HbbTV specification uses elements of existing specifications from other standards including OIPF, CEA, DVB, MPEG-DASH and W3C. With the incorporation of activities from the Open IPTV Forum (OIPF) in 2014 and Smart TV Alliance in 2016, HbbTV is able to address service providers and technology suppliers for IPTV services as well as the combined scope of broadcast and over-the-top (OTT) services.

HbbTV is organised as a non-profit association registered in Switzerland and has around 80 members which include all global TV manufacturers, the large European broadcasters and TV platforms as well as a vast array of global technology and chipset vendors. More information: www.hbbtv.org

Contact HbbTV Association
Angelo Pettazzi
Chair HbbTV Marketing and Education Working Group (MEWG)
email: angelo.pettazzi@kineton.it
Tel.: +39 335 7614 596

About Comunicare Digitale

Comunicare Digitale was founded in 2003 to promote, communicate and implement new digital technologies and to develop business models generating economic and cultural opportunities. The company specialises in the organisation of awareness-raising B2B activities such as events, conferences, meetings, workshops and training courses where decision-makers meet experts, peers and connect with a large professional network in Europe. The annual flagship event is the European Digital Forum in Lucca, Italy, which will celebrate its 20-year anniversary in 2023. More information: www.fed2023.com

Contact Comunicare Digitale
Jessica Di Costanzo
Event Manager
email segreteria@comunicaredigitale.it
Tel: +39 340 3619 229


Source: hbbtv.org
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