Source: TV Nova


22. 6. 202422. 6. 2024
What will happen to the series in the summer? Why are Ulice and Jedna rodina missing from the schedule? And when will they return to the screen again? These are the questions that have been piling up in the editorial office. Here are the answers.

Summer calls for a rest and the actors of the popular TV Nova and Voyo series need it too. And so they are going on an imaginary holiday with Ulice, Jedna rodina or the reality show Výměna manželek.


The last episode of Ulice before the summer break aired on 21 June. The first day of the summer will thus kick off the holidays of the Ulice characters, who will regain their strength and return to the audience in the second half of August.

Jedna rodina

Jedna rodina has taken a slightly longer break from the airwaves. You could see the last episode on May 9, but the actors haven't left the film studios yet and continued filming their characters' stories. You can watch them at the end of the holidays, when the series will once again dominate Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Výměna manželek and Malé lásky

Starting Wednesday, June 19, you'll be seeing the families of the rerun episodes on your TV screens in prime time. The evenings will continue with reruns of the equally popular reality show Malé lásky.

Na lovu

Our hunters will also be taking a well-deserved vacation. But to make sure viewers don't forget them or miss them, they can watch them and their brave contestants in reruns of Na lovu from 17 June. You can also meet them all over the country as part of Dny s Novou.

Loskuták or Střepiny

During the holiday season, the screens will also disappear from Střepiny, Rady ptáka Loskutáka, Víkend, Na vaší straně or Za pět minut dvanáct.

Ordinace v růžové zahradě 2

Ordinace v růžové zahradě 2, which will only take a break for a week, will definitely not be idle. Voyo subscribers will watch it for the last time on Monday 17 June, so that they can tune in again on 24 June, when the new season starts.

There's no stopping TV News or Snídaně

Television News, Sports News, Weather and Snídaně will be broadcast without any interruption. However, it is its components, Život ve hvězdách, Koření and Volejte Novu, that will make their last appearance during the last week of June.

Specialisté and Kriminálka Anděl

You can look forward to regular Mondays with two episodes of Specialisté series. The last premiere episode will be broadcast on 17 June. The end of the holiday season will then bring the premiere episodes of Kriminálka Anděl and reruns of Specialisté.

Evenings full of comedy

Friday nights will be dedicated to comedy. On offer is, for example, the popular director Zdeněk Troška's comedy Slunce, seno, erotika or Babovřesky. Vojta Kotek and Jiří Mádl starring in the Rafťáci movie will tell the story of a teenager who wants to make his first appearance in style - with a friend on a girls' boating course. Fans of Marek Vašut will enjoy Román pro pokročilé.

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