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Looking for fresh ideas on how to create ads for your travel business? In this article, we'll explore tourism advertisement, focusing on what really resonates with the viewers. We’ll share a selection of creative ideas and insights for marketers looking to kickstart their travel campaigns.

Features of Engaging Travel Ads

Creating ads that grab attention and get stuck in one’s head, making them hum the ad’s catchy tunes on the way to work, isn't easy—it takes a whole team of creative minds. But even with all that creativity, these ads often share some key elements and are built on the same basic principles.

‍The 5 Commandments of Good Travel Ads:

1. Emotional resonance. Ads that evoke feelings of excitement, peace, or adventure tend to connect more deeply with viewers, encouraging them to imagine themselves in the setting.

2. Visual storytelling. Can’t afford a team of outstanding screenwriters? Luckily, in the tourism industry it’s often enough just to show what a destination looks like. This is the case, when an image speaks a thousand words, and a video is worth a thousand pictures.

3. Compelling narratives. Storytelling and a simple, but strong message is what truly sets great ads apart. Always keep in mind that people don’t want to buy tickets and tours - they pay for emotions, memories and adventures with their loved ones. If you want to create a strong message, define for yourself what your company’s mission is, and how exactly you aim to make your clients’ lives happier and easier.

4. Personalization. Speaking to a broad audience is rarely sufficient. Spend extra time to understand who your clients are. What are their lifestyles, budget, values? At what stage of decision-making are they? Are they just window shopping? Are they thinking about where to spend their honeymoons? Or maybe, they already have a destination in mind, and now search for the best deals? Conduct a survey, use big data and hire a strategy team to learn everything about your target audience.

5. Call to action. A self-explanatory, but often overlooked point. A strong CTA that clearly guides viewers on how to explore more about the destination or offer ensures the ad doesn't just captivate but also converts interest into action.

6 Best Travel Advertisement Examples

1. American Express Travel

Video: American Express Travel -  Long Distance Lovebirds

Why does this Delta SkyMiles American Express Cards ad work? It’s short, its message is perfectly clear and simple, and it speaks to a very specific demographic. If you’ve ever been in a long-distance relationship, you know how expensive it is to keep seeing your significant other frequently. Amex doesn’t offer their clients to save some money on flights. Instead, it offers to remove the obstacle that stands between them and their desired love lives.

‍In this ad, Amex offers exclusive access to event presales, to dedicated venue entryways and Card Member lounges:


What does the following Booking ad sell?

Video: - Tina Fey books whoever sge wants to be

Right, it sells the opportunity to try oneself in different roles people don’t get to play in their everyday lives. Whether you're an office worker or a stay-at-home dad, book a vacation and be an explorer, an artist, or a professional surfer. This ad is a pro example of when a strong message gets across even without precise targeting.

And here is a banner ad by Booking:

It has several noteworthy features:

  • a great photo, which conveys emotions;

  • a clear and straigh-forward CTA;

  • seasonality (it is tied to New Year - a time, when most people probably reevaluated their life decisions and promised themselves to experience life more);

  • a limited special offer.

Most companies strive to be omnipresent and reach viewers through all the possible channels. Here is an ad that runs across META platforms. Nothing fancy, but the main elements of a good ad are still here. It features a short video of surfers, a clear CTA that invites to install the app, and a short message that highlights the company’s main proposition - the possibility to find and book a place fast and easy. And even though their Paid Ads game is strong, the company visibly invests a lot of resources into Search Engine Optimization. This way appears on the search result pages of most of the travel-related queries, saving a lot on clicks:

3. Agoda

Most of the big players in the travel industry use pop-up ads on their websites, which is a great opportunity to inform about current special offers or to get visitors to email you in exchange for some bonuses. However, you need to handle these pop-up ads with care - sometimes they can do more harm than good.

But of course there's no shortage of TV spots either, here's a lovely campaign that Agoda aired during the pandemic:

Video: Agoda - Explore The World Nearby

It shows sympathy for everyone stuck at home, and shifts the focus from closed borders to discovering places in our own countries. It’s compassionate and doesn’t pressure us to purchase anything. It simply suggests that now might be the time to see more of our own countries, and Agoda is here to help with special offers.

The recipe is the same: Understanding the pain of the target audience + strong positive message + beautiful emotional storytelling + great visuals.

4. Kajak

Kayak's marketers have also done a great job of understanding the difficulties of their target group and the result is this creative series of Don't do it yourself ads:

Viedo: Kayak Don´t do it yourself

5. Airbnb

The campaign of this well-known portal is not missing in our list. The campaign for YouTube and TikTok was a success:

Video: Airbnb

Just perfect targeting. If you can, always address different segments separately.

6. Expedia

Expedia presents itself very well online and is strong on social media, but its video ad is another good example of appealing to emotions and using a strong slogan:

Video: Expedia -  Northern Lights

So how do you go about creating effective travel ads?

Ideas for Crafting Effective Travel Ads: ‍

Now let’s sum up what we have seen. Based on successful campaigns from leading companies, here are some straightforward ideas for making ads that connect with viewers and inspire action.

  • Make an Emotional Connection: Try to create a strong emotional bond with your audience. Like Agoda's campaign during the pandemic, show you understand and care about your audience's current challenges. Showing support for your clients without pushing for sales can make your brand feel more relatable and trustworthy.‍

  • Keep Up with Trends and News: As suggested in the Kayak example, staying updated with the latest trends and news can make your ads more relevant and engaging. This approach can help your ad become popular and connect with more people.‍

  • Use Content from Your Customers: ‍Add content made by your customers, as it's cost-effective and acts as proof of trust. Ads with content from users can make your brand seem more credible and expand your reach to the users' followers, making your company seem more reliable. ‍

  • Show Clear Benefits: Make sure your ad clearly shows the unique advantages your service offers, like the Amex Miles Cards ad that focuses on solving a specific problem for its target audience. Ads that clearly state their benefits tend to work better.‍

  • Target Carefully: ‍Make your message specific for different groups of people, as shown by Airbnb's campaign. The more personalized your ad feels to its viewers, the more effective it will be.‍

  • Use Eye-catching Visuals and Easy-to-Remember Slogans: ‍Use striking visuals and catchy slogans to make your ads memorable. Expedia's video ad is a good example of how using emotions with great visuals and a strong slogan can make a big impact.‍

  • Promote Special Offers and Benefits: ‍Don't hesitate to highlight special access, discounts, or special deals, as Amex Travel does. These incentives can be a key factor for people thinking about making a purchase.

  • Have a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): ‍Your ad should have a straightforward CTA, telling viewers exactly what to do next. Whether it's booking a trip, looking at discounts, or signing up for an email list, make the next step clear.‍

  • Take Advantage of Seasonal Trends: ‍Use seasonal trends and holidays to make your ads feel more timely and relevant.'s banner ad related to New Year's resolutions is a great example of how to connect with people's mindsets during different seasons and holidays.

‍By applying these simpler ideas, drawn from the practices of top travel companies, you can create effective travel ads that grab attention, spark interest, and get viewers to engage with your brand.

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