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What all can make its way into marketing, advertising and communications in the Czech market? Here's an overview of this year's trends.

At the beginning of the new year, we bring you a overview of the trends that several companies predict will influence marketing, advertising and communication on the Czech market in the coming months. This year, it will also be necessary to take into account changing consumer behaviour, to put emphasis on transparency and authenticity, but also not to forget the communication channels that are gaining in importance when consuming content.

(1) Transparency is everyone's business

Transparency, authenticity and credibility are what consumers are looking for in brands in an era of misinformation and rapid change. According to Ipsos, interest in brands that can demonstrate transparent and responsible values has grown in recent years, and 59% of Czechs are willing to pay extra for a brand with an image that people find personally appealing. The Worldcom Public Relations Group, which brings together 115 companies from around the world, says in its report that transparency and accountability are increasingly emphasised by younger audiences. It is demanded from brands across the spectrum, even from social networks, which are publishing their Ad Library tools providing insights on advertising across the platform as a result.

(2) Artificial intelligence is essential, but so is humanity

Artificial Intelligence is already being used in marketing, advertising and PR and will definitely be a trend this year and beyond. According to Worldcom Public Relations Group, more than half of companies (55%) are investing in upskilling their employees in this area, 64% expect AI to significantly improve their productivity, yet up to 75% of customers are concerned about the risk of AI-related misinformation. AI will free many industries from routine tasks, but even so, brands must never forget authenticity, human contact and safety in their communications. Technology should facilitate interaction with consumers, not dehumanize it.

(3) The importance of tradition and nostalgia is growing

But hand in hand with the accelerating development of artificial intelligence goes the inclination of many consumers towards traditional formulas. The importance of tradition and nostalgia is growing worldwide, making them a powerful tool for marketers looking to strengthen the relationship between consumers and brands. In the Czech Republic, according to Ipsos' findings, the belief that tradition is an important part of society is even stronger (82%) than in the EU (78%) and globally (81%). There is also a growing emphasis on locality - 60% of Czechs are willing to pay extra for products that are made in the Czech Republic.

(4) Sustainability without greenwashing

In the area of environmental protection, brands should continue to be proactive and demonstrate their commitment this year. Consumers now expect concrete actions from companies and are not satisfied with ambiguous commitments. According to Ipsos findings, the majority of Czechs (62%) believe that companies do not pay enough attention to environmental protection. As many as 67% of respondents believe that if we do not change our habits quickly, we are facing an environmental disaster.

(5) Czechs hear about healthy lifestyles

In addition to caring for the planet, a healthy lifestyle resonates with Czech consumers. According to Ipsos, up to 78% of Czechs agree that they need to take more care of themselves physically and that eating right is key. Just under half (49%) are willing to sacrifice their comfort if they get healthy products in return. With this trend, brands have the opportunity to profile themselves as leaders in health and wellness and offer innovative products or services that promote overall vitality.

(6) Czechs are a nation of listeners

The Czech Republic ranks 19th globally in the proportion of people who listen to podcasts, and 8th in the European Union. According to NMS research data for Czech Radio, more than half of the Czech internet population listens to podcasts at least once a month (54%). More than a third (36%) even once a week. According to the Czech Statistical Office, 3.99 million Czechs listen to them. As OMG shows in its Digital Trends report, the concentration of podcasts from media houses in the podcast top charts is also an interesting phenomenon. Podcasts are thus a significant medium where listener attention to advertising messages is high.

(7) Content is going to get even more tick-tocked

When creating content, we need to keep in mind that its consumption is changing, becoming more and more so-called tik-tocked, as Vítězslav Klement points out in his article on social media trends. The messages are very short, the content is video-oriented, and the emphasis is on entertainment. The dissemination of content itself is also changing significantly - it is no longer so important who people follow, context and subject matter play a much bigger role.

(8) Retail media advertising networks are growing

Advertising platforms built by retailers are gaining importance, including in the Czech Republic, where major players include Alza, Allegro, Košík, Rohlík, Dr.Max or Heureka. In its Marketing Trends Review, Kantar says that in the US alone, these retail media get almost a quarter of all media spend in a year. According to data from IAB Europe, total retail media volume was comparable to investment in print advertising three years ago, and is projected to catch up with TV advertising in Europe by 2026.

(9) Interest in streaming is growing

While television broadcasting still dominates, watching streaming platforms are gaining in popularity. In the Czech Republic, 42% of people aged 16 and over watched shows on paid streaming channels such as Netflix or Max last year, up seven percentage points from 2023, according to data from theCzech Statistical Office. In total, 3.65 million people watched Netflix. Kantar, in its global survey, again found that up to half of people watch streaming on their smart TVs. More than half of marketers (55%) are responding by increasing their investment in this area.

(10) User-generated and employee-generated content takes precedence

As the cost of influencer marketing rises, brands will also rely more on content created by users (USG) or employees of companies (EGC), according to Forbes predictions. This is because it offers an authentic way to build trust with consumers.

Source: mediaguru.cz
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