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International Star Wars Day, which is celebrated on 4 May, is irrefutable evidence of the worldwide enthusiasm, or craze, for the iconic Star Wars series. It is therefore quite understandable that the Star Wars theme was seized upon by marketers soon after its first cinema release. They unerringly sniffed out a great business opportunity. And as you can see, the popularity of the Star Wars theme in TV commercials has not waned even after more than four decades.

After its release in 1977, Star Wars became an international phenomenon thanks to groundbreaking visual effects and iconic movie characters. The series has spawned numerous sequels, prequels, and spin-off films and series, as well as countless other media. The film series, created by George Lucas, has a worldwide fan base, making it the perfect fit for use in television advertising.

International Star Wars Day

The unofficial holiday dedicated to Star Wars was created out of sheer fan enthusiasm and now goes far beyond the English pun “May the 4th Be With You”. The phrase was first used by journalists in the summer of 1978 in the context of Independence Day articles, and a year later it was used again by journalists on the occasion of Margaret Thatcher’s election as Prime Minister. The pun gradually took on a life of its own and eventually became an unofficial holiday. The first organised celebration of International Star Wars Day took place in 2011. Since then, Star Wars fans from all over the world have gathered on 4 May to pay tribute to their favorite films. They dress up in their favorite characters’ costumes and watch movies or special broadcasts related to the iconic franchise.

The Star Wars phenomenon

A number of companies, including famous global brands, have already used the Star Wars phenomenon to promote their products. What is the magic of this iconic event that has made an indelible mark on film history? There are several contributing factors:

  • Universal themes: Star Wars stories touch on universal themes such as the struggle between good and evil, and the desire for adventure, love, courage, and hope. These deep, emotional elements appeal to people all over the world, regardless of age or culture.

  • Characters: The Star Wars characters are iconic and have become legends - from heroes such as Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia to characters that embody evil such as Darth Vader and Sheev Palpatine. Each of these characters has their own unique traits and interesting story.

  • The immersive world: Star Wars offers a trip into a rich fictional world that literally fascinates audiences. A universe filled with planets, alien races, spaceships, lightsabers, and unearthly power.

  • Revolutionary effects: The original Star Wars in 1977 brought revolutionary special effects that changed the film industry forever. The use of models, animation, and visual effects helped create epic and realistic environments that completely immersed audiences.

  • Crossing generations: Since its debut, Star Wars has continued to attract new generations of fans. Through subsequent films, series, books, games, and other media, Star Wars remains relevant for generations to come.

  • Large community: Star Wars has an extremely strong fan community. Its members come together at festivals, conferences, online forums, and social media to discuss stories, theories, cosplay, and other aspects of Star Wars.

This combination of factors has allowed Star Wars to become one of the most influential and successful film phenomena in history. The Pepsi brand harnessed the power of Star Wars back in 1999:

Video: Pepsi: Star Wars Episode I

Star Wars and TV advertising

Ever since Star Wars first hit cinema screens, Darth Vader and his colleagues have been offering all sorts of products - from soft drinks, navigation, and torches to cars. There is no sign that the use of Star Wars for marketing is about to end; the Star Wars cash cow is clearly far from exhausted.

In its already 30+ year history, Star Wars and its heroes have already accomplished a lot. Naturally, their worldwide fame has also benefited advertising, which likes to cast heroes from across the universe, oddly enough most often from the dark side of the Force. Let’s take a look at some of the campaigns.

M&M’s goes to the dark side of the Force (2005)

In 2005, M&M’s released several commercials to celebrate the launch of Episode III, in which their candies address the transition to the dark side of the Force. In this commercial, Darth Vader makes them an offer they simply cannot refuse:

Video: M&M’s Dare To Go To The Dark Side

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker both like Chilean beer Cerveza Cristal (2003)

Perhaps the biggest fuss was caused by the advertising in Chile, where Channel 13 took a very peculiar approach to the commercial breaks during the first Star Wars broadcast on TV. There were no classic commercial blocks. Instead, ads for Cerveza Cristal beer were incorporated directly into certain scenes. For example, Obi-Wan Kenobi hands Luke Skywalker a cold beer instead of a lightsaber.

Quite understandably, Lucasfilm was not happy about these interventions in the film, which the audience enjoyed immensely, and took legal action against the advertiser and the TV channel. The court ruled in its favour and the commercials had to be withdrawn. Fortunately, not permanently. In the meantime, the Chilean adverts took on a life of their own and within a few days a large number of parodies and innuendos appeared on YouTube and elsewhere:

Video: Chilean beer Cervesa Cristal in Star Wars

In June 2004, The Force is with Cerveza Cristal commercial won the Media Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions, the first time a Chilean company had won the lion award.

Volkswagen takes Star Wars to the Super Bowl (2011)

VW’s “The Force” commercial from 2011 kind of changed Super Bowl commercials forever. In the commercial, a child walks around the house dressed as Darth Vader and tries to use the dark side of the Force on everything from the family dog to the new VW Passat in the driveway.

The uniqueness of the ad was not just in the execution. The marketing team took a huge risk back then and ran the ad just four days before the game. This was very unusual at the time. Until then, Super Bowl advertising was a fleeting thing. For example, Apple’s 1984 commercial, which ranks among the best Super Bowl commercials ever, was only aired twice. That all changed with Volkswagen’s hugely successful ad and one-off events became marketing campaigns lasting several months. The VW marketing team’s risky move paid off. The ad paid for Volkswagen even before it was launched at the Super Bowl.

Video: Volkswagen Passat 2011 - The Force

Volkswagen returned to Star Wars in 2022 with a successful campaign with the theme “ID. Buzz and Obi-Wan Kenobi have one thing in common: they are out of this world.”

Video: Volkswagen ID. Buzz - Star Wars

Navigation with the voice of Darth Vader (2010)

Darth Vader is clearly not just a lightsaber-wielding villain. He seems to have a decent grasp of maps, too. This is evidenced by the “Darth Vader’s Voice Behind The Scenes” campaign, which was produced in the Netherlands in May 2010 by advertising agency Pool for TomTom.

Video: Tom Tom - Darth Vader

Navigators were plentiful in 2010 - even Jedi Master Yoda decided to make some extra money by lending his voice to the navigation service.

Kaufland and Christmas with Star Wars

The chain has used the Star Wars theme in its campaigns more than once. In 2015, for example, it came up with a touching Christmas ad starring a young boy who has a crush on a girl in the neighbourhood. He does not dare to show his feelings but he knows she loves Star Wars too, so he decides to dress up as his favorite hero and deliver a letter to her. And his courage pays off...

Video: Kaufland - Star Wars (2015)

In 2019, Kaufland also bet on Star Wars and took the motto “Kaufland wishes the galaxy a Merry Christmas”. The hero of the emotional spot is a boy who is overcome by his dark side and destroys his younger friend’s snowman. But a Christmas present - a lightsaber - opens his eyes. He chooses the light side of the Force and gives his lightsaber to the boy he hurt earlier:

Video: Kaufland wishes the galaxy a Merry Christmas

Lightsaber with Duracell batteries

A powerful battery and a strong imagination - that is a combination that cannot be beaten, according to a 2015 Duracell advertising campaign. Apart from the weapon, the spot also features movie robots R2-D2 and pessimist C-3PO. In addition to the lightsaber, robots, ships, and soldiers, the ad offers Jedi apparel and martial arts, and lines from the film:

Video: Duracell - Star Wars

Adidas and an intergalactic cantina packed with celebrities

The famous brand Adidas also went into space in 2010. And it landed nowhere else but the Mos Eisley Cantina from Episode IV - A New Hope. In the intergalactic bar, David Beckham, Daft Punk, Snoop Dogg, Franz Beckenbauer, Noel Gallagher, Ian Brown, Jay Baruchel, Ciara and C-3PO, Han Solo and Obi-Wan Kenobi are drinking beer side by side. The campaign was created by Sid Lee Montreal.

Video: Adidas - Cantina

Star Wars-style trailer for “Father Frost” on TV Nova

We will end the list of commercials using the Star Wars theme with a purely Czech spot. TV Nova’s trailer for the annual Soviet fairy tale “Morozko” (Father Frost) a few years ago was really good. Who wouldn’t be amused by Father Frost as Icewalker with a lightsaber instead of a magic staff?

Video: TV Nova trailer for Morozko

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