

3. 6. 20223. 6. 2022
Most advertisers agree that an excellent communication activity can return up to 20 times more value for money than an average one.

The Association of Communication Agencies (AKA) together with Nielsen Admosphere have completed another wave of research, mapping the development of values in the marketing communication sector in the Czech Republic. Their survey indicates that most advertisers believe in a specific effect of well-designed communication. Compared to the previous survey made in 2018, this feeling has grown. While at that time, only 13 percent of respondents thought that an excellent communication activity can increase the value of invested money at least twenty times compared to an average activity (7% 20x, 2% 25x, 4% more), this year, more than a third (37%) of advertisers have come to the same conclusion, which is nearly three times as many as in 2018. A quarter of clients think that the effect of excellent communication can multiply returns by a factor of 15.
“The key to success is a good approach and quality of people. Clients can see that an outstanding creative idea multiplies the effectiveness of campaigns. It is a pity that the path to the effectiveness is still unnecessarily difficult,”

says Jan Binar, Chairman of AKA.

How many times do you think an excellent communication activity can increase the value of investment compared to an average communication activity?

Source: Nielsen Admosphere, 2022

Effectiveness of investment is one of the outputs of an extensive survey carried out by Nielsen Admosphere. MAM has exclusive access to the entire research made by AKA and Nielsen Admosphere and will publish individual sections in the following issues. The series will also provide insight into the preferences of advertisers whose opinions will be disclosed in our articles. Subsequently, we will cover the perspective of the other side, i.e. agencies, and publish the results of a survey among agencies.

In the first part of the series to be published in issue 23/2022 on 6 June, we will discuss the approach of agencies to clients. Among other things, you will find out what marketing directors Steffen Seamann from Tchibo, Ladislav Báča from T-Mobile and Pavel Hacker from ICE Industrial Services think about the quality of teams and people in agencies.

In conclusion, here is a little teaser. The quantitative part of the survey (polling people responsible for marketing budgets on the part of advertisers) and the subsequent qualitative survey in the form of a panel discussion with advertisers clearly identified three problematic areas of cooperation between agencies and clients. These are: agency approach (that will be elaborated on in the first issue of the series), evaluation, and creative solutions. For more information, see MAM 23/2022.

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