

29. 5. 202329. 5. 2023
Measuring brand metrics that inspire human emotions could sit alongside standard business metrics in future, says a new report from the Wunderman Thompson agency.

The age of re-enchantment suggests that emotional KPIs that measure “heart swells, goose bumps, jaw drops, spine tingles, and more” will become increasingly important as people look for brands to bring some joy into their lives.


War, climate change, disease and economic uncertainty are all contributing to a global mental health crisis, with young people, in particular, more stressed and anxious than ever before. Wunderman Thompson’s research indicates that almost half of people (46%) say they “feel tired and burned out all the time”, and two-thirds (67%) agree that technology is making us “feel more detached from the real world”.

But 89% also say awe-inspiring experiences make them feel good, and 83% actively seek out experiences that bring them joy and happiness; 77% say “I just want to feel something, to feel alive”.

Why it matters

There’s an opportunity for brands to step into this doomfest and lighten the load for consumers by giving them the sort of experiences they crave. More than six in 10 survey respondents (3,000 from the US, UK and China) felt brands should make more effort to wow them with spectacular advertising or marketing (67%).

What brands can do

  • Stand up for fun. Not only does fun offer a welcome respite in tough times, it’s a potential triple win for brands – delivering pleasure not only in the moment but also in its anticipation and recollection.

  • Prioritise connection. With 85% complaining that we have less time for one another these days, brands can help facilitate meaningful connection via rituals and spaces (both physical and virtual) that bring people together.

  • Enthrall the senses. Sixty-three percent wanted brands to provide multisensory experiences – and that applies in digital and virtual worlds as well as IRL.

  • Escape the rational. Three-quarters (74%) enjoy an element of mystery and surprise in the things they do. Brands can build in moments of serendipity and the unexpected.

  • Strive for better. Just 25% are positive about the way things are going in the world. By applying themselves to solving societal and environmental challenges, brands can foster some much-needed optimism.

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