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4. 1. 20234. 1. 2023
The Association of Television Operators (ATO) and Nielsen have embarked on another five years of cross-platform electronic measurement of viewership and content consumption in the Czech Republic.

The two parties have been working together in measuring Czech audiences since 2002, with the latter originally Mediaresearch and now Nielsen Admosphere.

According to the contract that ATO concluded with Nielsen in June of last year, the project in the next period offers, in particular, comprehensive measurement of television viewership, which covers the main needs of the television market in the area of television program creation as well as effective measurement of return on investment within (television and online) broadcasting. The measurement continues the previous successful period of the project (2018–2022) and at the same time reflects changes in media consumption in recent years.

For instance, it looks at the trend of non-linear viewing of TV content on classic and internet platforms and joint reporting of results. The expansion of functionality in the area of non-linear viewing (timeshift) is also brought by Nielsen’s Adwind Kite software, which now enables the analysis of delayed viewership with greater accuracy.

In the future, the project allows for further expansion, based on modules from Nielsen’s offer, in order to constantly cover the changing needs of the TV market. Some of these solutions – such as the use of Return Path Data from IPTV or further expansion of cross-platform functions – are still being discussed. However, as in the past, innovations are not directly tied to five-year project cycles, but take place continuously.

Source: broadbandtvnews.com
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