Source: TV Nova


19. 8. 202419. 8. 2024
The regional elections are only a few weeks away. If you're still not sure who to vote for, TV Nova's election debates and election-focused programmes and news can help.

A series of 13 debates called V 24: Váš kraj, váš hejtman starts on 21 August on TN Live. Invited are the leaders of parties, movements and coalitions that you will currently find in the leadership of your region and that have achieved an average of at least three percent of the vote in the pre-election polls. In the case of coalitions, the average of the results of the strongest party represented in the coalition is taken into account.

"We will address each region in a separate debate. Each region has its own specifics and addresses different issues," explained Bára Divišová, the moderator and author of the concept of the pre-election broadcast. In addition to Bára Divišová, Michaela Indráková, Martin Čermák and Rey Koranteng will also take turns moderating. The debate will start at 15:00 and will last ninety minutes.

Source: TV Nova

On the same day, Televizní noviny will start a series of reports that will gradually present all 13 regions, their specifics, pressing problems, key post-election priorities and challenges, as well as the assessment and expectations of the voters in the catchment area in about three minutes. The individual reports will be included in the TN broadcast every day in order from the region with the smallest population (Karlovy Vary) to the most populous (Central Bohemia).

The regional elections will also be the focus of the programme Střepiny, which will return to the screen on 1 September after a summer break. There will also be significant coverage on the news website and interviews on the programme "Straight to TN Live".

"The regional elections are a challenge for every television station to cover. We want to give space to 13 regions with different socio-economic backgrounds and different needs. Some are dealing with healthcare or the environment, others with unemployment or the construction of a logistics centre. That is why we have decided to organise a debate for each region, using our web platform TN Live, which is becoming increasingly popular. Our news service is comprehensive, and election topics will not be absent from TV, the web or social media. Our goal is to ensure that every voter gets as much information as possible in a clear and understandable way," said Kamil Houska, director of TV Nova's news service.

But the election coverage does not end a few days before the elections, TV Nova will soon bring details of the next plan, which will include, for example, a continuum to the interim results.

Information, interesting articles and then election results for the regional elections can be found here, for the Senate elections here.

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