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8. 9. 20248. 9. 2024
The last year has seen great progress in generative artificial intelligence. How does the general public view this revolution? What concerns and hopes does Gen AI bring with it? That's what Ipsos found out in its AI Monitor survey.

Czechs' knowledge of AI is behind the global average

More than half of Czechs (56%) say they have a good idea of what artificial intelligence (AI) actually is, compared to the global average of 67%. Despite a lot of talk about AI, only 28% of Czechs know in which products and services AI is already used today. Globally, that's 52% of the population.

People in the Czech Republic, as well as globally, believe that AI will have a significant impact on everyday life in the next three to five years (50% Czech Republic vs. 66% globally). Nearly a third of Czechs (27%) have AI impacting their lives today.

AI enthusiasm prevails in Asia, Czechs are suspicious

In general, AI is used more often by the younger generation and people with higher education. A global comparison shows that Asian countries (such as China, Thailand and Indonesia) are particularly enthusiastic about AI, while the greatest distrust and nervousness is in Anglo-Saxon countries and Europe in general.

How the world perceives AI; Source: AI Monitor/Ipsos

Czechs remain rather sceptical about AI. Only 36% of Czechs believe that AI companies will protect their personal data. This compares to 46% globally. Trust that AI will not discriminate and show prejudice against certain groups of people is even lower, with only 39% of Czechs agreeing.

AI will save time, fear reigns of misinformation and job threats

In a number of areas, people expect a positive impact that the increasing use of AI will bring. The most cited is saving time thanks to new technologies. A full 45% of the population believe that getting routine matters done will be a matter of moments. Globally, this optimism is even more pronounced (55%). The entertainment industry (TV, videos, movies, music, books) came in second place, with 39% of Czechs expecting it to make significant progress. The world average in this case is 51%.

On the other hand, Czechs are worried about the increase in misinformation on the internet, with half of the population expressing concern. There is more optimism in the world in this respect, with 37% of people sharing the concern. There is also concern about the negative impact of AI on the labour market, with 40% of Czechs expecting a worsening due to the increasing use of AI.

What areas will be impacted by AI in the next 3 to 5 years; Source: AI Monitor/Ipsos

About the research

The AI Monitor research in the Czech Republic was conducted in June 2024 on a representative sample of the Czech Republic's internet population aged 18-65. A total of 1,000 respondents took part in the survey. The research was conducted using the Ipsos online panel

The global survey was conducted in 32 countries, with a total of 23,685 respondents, always a representative sample for the country. The research was conducted in April and May 2024.

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