The Prima Group' s revenues exceeded the four billion crowns mark for the first time. In 2023, they reached a total of CZK 4.16 billion and increased by almost five percent year-on-year. Last year, net profit amounted to CZK 313 million. It was lower thana year earlier. This is according to information published in the annual report of the operating company FTV Prima for 2023.
FTV Prima's basic economic data (thousands CZK)

The main source of revenue remains the sale of advertising TV time, which accounts for 75% of total revenue. Last year, Prima increased revenues from TV advertising sales by 3% y-o-y. However, the fastest growth was in revenues from online advertising and from subscriptions to the prima+ service, which increased by 35% y-o-y.
Revenue structure of FTV Prima (thousands CZK)

Revenues from sales of products and services abroad increased by almost one-fifth last year to CZK 174 million. CZK.
The information in the annual report also shows that Prima had higher costs for depreciation of programmes and dubbing last year (+28%).
The company's management said that the 2023 financial year was another in a series of successful years for FTV Prima, despite the complications associated with the turbulent developments in the TV and online advertising market caused mainly by the conflict in Ukraine, the energy crisis and the subsequent high inflation and price increases in almost all costs throughout the economy.
"The basic viewership targets set by the company for 2023 have been met. In an increasingly competitive TV and online environment, it was possible to attract the attention of additional users and also to maintain the favourable growth dynamics of inventory creation," writes CEO Marek Singer in the introductory text. He also notes that FTV Prima managed to achieve the highest result in the 15+ viewer group for the second consecutive year in the group of commercial stations.