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31. 3. 202331. 3. 2023
Easter in the Czech Republic is not just about Easter eggs or "pomlázka". These spring holidays are also a great opportunity to spend time together with the family, watching a favourite TV show or film too. What can you look forward to in easter TV programm?

Easter on Nova for the whole family.

During Easter TV Nova will offer premiere episodes of popular series and many fairy tales for children. The Easter holidays and traditions will also be the focus of Snídaně s Novou throughout the week, where viewers will learn how to knit traditional "pomlázka" or dye eggs. Voyo will offer a wide range of programmes for the whole family.

TV station will present the premiere episodes of the series Ulice and Zlatá labuť, hits for the whole family such as Stuart Little Mouse, Dovolená s Andělem nebo Bota jménem Melichar or the fairy tale Zakletá jeskyně with Táňa Pauhofová.

Easter Monday wil lbring the entertainment for the whole family. In the morning (at 10:55) they will see Zdeněk Troška's fairy tale O princezně Jasněnce a létajícím ševci, and after lunch (12:25) a continuation of the comedy about a strict inspector Anděl na horách.

The Easter sports offer of Nova Sport will delight especially fans of football, hockey and basketball. Nova Sport 3 will broadcast the Bundesliga match between Leverkussen and Frankfurt on Saturday afternoon. Saturday night on Nova Sport 1 will be the NHL - Buffalo and Carolina will play in great time with Martin Necas playing in great form this season. On Nova Sport 2 on Sunday, basketball fans can look forward to the unique NBA 360 programme, which will offer live coverage of the best of several games played together.

Voyo's Easter offer will be enriched by a number of films. In the romantic film It Must Be Love, a well-preserved elderly woman, Helena, arrives in Sopot, Poland, still hesitant to marry her boyfriend Tadeusz at an advanced age. The Writers is a story about family, love and how endings are really just new beginnings. The third film, The Rewrite, stars screenwriter Keith Michaels (Hugh Grant), who, though he won awards years ago, hasn't had as much success with his other films. Since he has no money, he accepts an offer to teach a screenwriting course at a small-town university.


Easter on Prima will delight the whole family

The Prima Group will bring a diverse range of films and fairy tales, popular series and exciting shows for every member of the family to choose from at Easter. Viewers can expect a busy holiday, which will start on Thursday 6 April at 8.15 pm with the premiere of the romantic film The President.

During the Easter weekend, viewers will see the popular family film Gump - The Dog Who Taught People How to Live, as well as a number of classic Czech films and series. The Friday evening will bring the premiere episode of Máme rádi Česko! and introduce new episode of reality show České chaty snů.

Easter Monday will also bring a festive programme, starting with a toddler Baby's Day Out. This will be followed by the children's comedy Výbuch bude v pět, which will be replaced on screens by the legendary Hotel modrá hvězda. The afternoon will begin with the tale O statečném kováři.

There will be no shortage of varied offerings on the group's thematic channels. On Friday 7 April, Prima COOL will present the crazy comedy Jump Street 21, which will be followed a week later by its second episode. On Saturday 8 April, the Mission: Impossible series will start, with episodes every Saturday night until May. On Easter Monday, 10 April, the Prima KRIMI channel will celebrate its 5th birthday.

A wide variety of titles will be available for users during the holidays on the video service prima+. Fans of Czech filmmaking will be entertained by the comedy Men's Club, and the fact that love blossoms at any age will be proved by Srdce na dlani. The whole family will enjoy the sequel to The Princess Enchanted in Time 2.


Óčko television is tuning in to the spring and has prepared several new features that will delight many viewers.

V JINÁČI s Denisou Pfauserovou

They started out as Óčko presenters and now they have a family to raise. After the open confession of Ivana "Fancy" Kulhánková, followed by Tereza Tobiasová, actress Denisa Pfauserová is expecting her offspring. How does the former host of Óčko flirt and princess from Řachanda experience the preparations for the birth of her daughter? The pregnancy vlog returns for its third season in April.

ÓČKO STAR od 17.4.


CINEMA JSI TY! with youtuber Torenem

Film fan Toren returns to Óčko, after the comic magazine Smash!, which he hosted a few years ago, he will now give his tips and mini-reviews on what to see in the cinema. And he'll also add some interesting tidbits from the film world. Plus reports from VIP premieres and competitions for cinema tickets in cooperation with Cinema City. Starting on April 1 with Dungeons & Dragons!

ÓČKO – since 1.4.


ÓČKO CHART with Honzou Řičařem

The spring voting fast is over and the audience hit parade, which peaked at the end of last year, will once again dominate every Thursday afternoon on Óček from 20 April. A new studio, new fresh graphics by Frame100r and new, more dramatic voting rules. Who stays is the experienced speaker and musician Honza Řičař. The entire ranking of the most popular clips can also be watched in the Sunday morning rerun and on HbbTV Óčko.

ÓČKO since 20.4.

The festive program offer on commercial television is as varied as the colourful Easter eggs. Which program will you choose this holiday season?

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