Despite the accelerated pace of time and the flood of digital technology, one certainty remains in our lives. Television broadcasting. According to recent research, watching television remains the most popular media activity among Czechs.
Television at the Peak of Popularity
The latest data from the ATO’s Continuous Survey for 2023 clearly shows that watching TV content remains one of the most popular activities for people in the Czech Republic. The average daily time spent watching TV by Czech viewers is a respectable 3 hours and 40 minutes. This shows the strong dependence of the Czechs on this traditional medium and its ability to engage the audience and keep their attention. Despite expanding online viewing options, 89% of this time is spent on traditional live viewing, which means that live broadcasting remains the most popular choice for Czech viewers.
A total of 93% of households watch TV programmes. 88% of households use a conventional TV set, while 4.6% of households watch TV on so-called second screens, such as a PC, mobile phone, laptop or tablet. This is a real advantage at a time when mobility is a prerequisite. This means that viewers can watch their favourite shows when they are away from home, pretty much wherever they like.

Even Younger Generations Watch TV
Television is far from being watched only by Baby Boomers. Young viewers - who seemingly never take their mobile phones off their hands and are permanently on social networks - are also close to it. According to a Morning Consult Pro survey released last year, 27% of Gen Z adults and 34% of millennials said they watched linear TV daily. 78% of adults who watch TV that often said they subscribed to at least one streaming service. It is thus clear that TV retains popularity across generations.
Television Has High Ratings for Good Reasons
There are several reasons why viewers’ eyes are still loyally drawn to their TV screens:
Diversity of content: TV stations offer a wide range of programmes that appeal to different audiences. From cartoons, news and documentaries to series, films, reality shows and sporting events. This diversity of content attracts viewers with different interests and preferences, which helps to maintain high viewing figures.
Social aspect: sharing TV viewing experiences is a traditional part of social interaction in households and among friends. Discussing favourite shows, commenting on sporting events or getting emotionally involved in watching a favourite series strengthens the bond between people and helps to sustain the popularity of television.
Reliability and trust: compared to many online sources, television has a reputation as a highly reliable and trustworthy source of information. People often turn to television to watch breaking news, event analyses and in-depth reports, which again leads to sustained high ratings.
Live events: television remains the primary source for live coverage of events such as sports matches, concerts, political debates, and festive events. People tend to watch these events on the big screen and in real time, which contributes to the high viewership of television. And advertisers are taking advantage of (not only) this opportunity on a large scale.
A great example is the SuperBowl, which is traditionally a showcase for top TV ads. SuperBowl is looked forward to every year not only by brands that see TV advertising as a way to increase sales and brand awareness but especially by the viewers themselves. And also by celebrities who see TV ads as an opportunity to shine:
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Ability to Evolve
The fact that television is constantly evolving and adapting to new technology trends, which allows it to remain relevant and interesting to viewers, also contributes to the high viewing figures.
One of the main forms of this adaptation is the integration of the internet into the television environment. This allows viewers to enjoy a wide range of online services directly on their TVs, such as streaming platforms, video-on-demand, and interactive applications.
For example, the HbbTV platform combines traditional TV broadcasting with internet content, allowing viewers to access additional information, videos or interactive features while watching TV programmes. This increases viewer engagement and provides a richer experience.
Another example is the proliferation of Smart TV apps allowing viewers to access content from a variety of sources directly on their TV screen. This includes streaming services, social media, games and much more. This multi-functionality gives viewers the ability to customise their TV content according to their preferences and interests.
Another important factor in the adaptation of TV to new technologies is the constant development and improvement of smart TVs with built-in internet connectivity. This simplifies the process of accessing online content and provides a more convenient way for viewers to watch. The number of households that have a smart TV connected to the internet has been growing for a long time. Currently, they account for 51.7%.

These examples show that television has not limited itself to the traditional form of broadcasting but is actively using innovation and modern technology to provide the best possible experience for viewers. It is thanks to this ability to adapt that television continues to be an integral part of the everyday life of the Czech population. Whether it is watching favourite programmes, news or sporting events, television continues to offer a wide range of content that appeals to different age groups and interests. Its ability to combine traditional and modern elements makes it an essential and desirable part of people’s everyday lives.
Television Has a Long Future Ahead
In the face of a dynamic media environment, various myths and a barrage of negative predictions, television has shown great resilience in 2023. It can therefore be expected to maintain its unwavering position and continue to tell its story of adaptation and innovation in an ever-changing world in the years to come.