Source: Pixabay


18. 6. 202418. 6. 2024
We've waited a long time for any standards to measure carbon emissions from advertising and media, but they're finally here. Now marketers can work with reliable metrics and give owners carbon data instead of assumptions.

Progress in measuring greenhouse gas emissions in the advertising value chain is due primarily to the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) and Ad Net Zero, and is the result of the efforts of several cross-industry working groups. Measurement standards for TV, digital and OOH are now complete, with print, radio and cinema to follow shortly.

The new standards were presented to the world for the first time by Sebastian Munden (pictured), chairman of Ad Net Zero, at the Cannes Lions Festival this week. "We now call on the entire global advertising ecosystem, especially media owners, to play a key role in pushing this framework forward," appealed Sebastian Munden to those present, who took the opportunity to give an interview to MAM, which will be published in a special extended edition dedicated to the festival on Monday 24 June.

The sponsors can now use a standardised form to request data from the media office. If vendors adopt this framework, they will voluntarily disclose where their data comes from, how it is collected, and the extent of their data coverage. This transparency will ensure that everyone understands exactly what the calculation behind the measurement is.

In addition to these formulas, it provides a new framework:

  1. A common data request form (mentioned above) for media buyers or media space sellers.

  2. A disclosure form for the industry to understand the scope, accuracy of data and scientific validation of media sustainability solution providers.

  3. A template for voluntary monitoring to help GARM and ANZ gain information on the adoption and effectiveness of frameworks.

The next phase of work is for GARM and Ad Net Zero to establish an effective system for transferring emissions data between buyers and sellers, or buyers and providers, followed by validation of media GHG data using agreed voluntary industry standards. The first results will be published in the second quarter of 2025.

What does this mean for the industry?

  • Advertisers can verify that partners who measure GHG emissions from their media activities are using the Global Media Sustainability Framework.

  • Agencies can ensure that their own tools or partners are using the Global Media Sustainability Framework and consider GHG emissions in all media plans.

  • Media owners can provide advertisers, agencies and other solution providers with the required data at the highest possible granularity and continuously improve the quality of this data over time.

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