Studio; Zdroj: TV Nova


29. 4. 202429. 4. 2024
On May 3rd, the news platform TN Live will celebrate its third birthday.
"When we started this project, we set the goal that we wanted to be present for our viewers at everything important and interesting that is happening not only in our country. I am very happy that after three years we are still succeeding. We are also gradually adding regular programmes and features to ensure that our viewers not only get the hottest news, but that we also give them a wider context or the views of a range of experts,"

says Kamil Houska, director of news at TV Nova. In addition to news events, TN Live also focuses on social issues, economics, health, education, sports and the world of celebrities.

TN Live celebrates its third birthday

From this May, new things await viewers. They can look forward to watching their favourite discussion show "Directly" from 2 May at 17:30 every weekday. Bára Divišová, Veronika Petruchová and Michaela Indráková will take turns behind the moderator's desk. The lifestyle magazine Talk!, which will be presented from 14 May at 16:00 every weekday, will also have an increased frequency. The main presenter will be Rebecca Diatilová, however, the editorial team of Life in the Stars will also work closely with her.

Viewers have a lot to look forward to

More information awaits viewers on the World Beyond, which will be boosted from June. "It's understandable, there is a lot going on at the moment, with the European Parliament elections at the beginning of June and the US presidential elections in the autumn, the war in Ukraine and the conflict in Israel continuing. But we also want to bring positive topics and stories, we want to motivate and inspire," explains Martin Synek, editor-in-chief of TN Live. The viewership of individual programmes ranges in the tens of thousands, with a record weekly viewership of 518,468 video views recorded by the platform in March this year. TN Live broadcasts are available on, Voyo and under the blue HbbTV button, and selected programmes are also available on podcast apps or social networks. The next major project on TN Live will be the debates on the occasion of the European Parliament elections.

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