The media group Nova plans to continue to disseminate its signal via DVB-T2 terrestrial broadcasting in the coming years. RRTV has applied for a new licence for its flagship channel.
On Friday 24 May, media group Nova submitted an application to the Radio and Television Broadcasting Council (RRTV) for terrestrial distribution of its eponymous programme. According to the media regulator's online database, the existing licence expires on 30 January 2025. The RRTV grants a standard licence for terrestrial distribution for a period of twelve years. In practice, this would mean that TV Nova will operate in DVB-T2 until at least 2037, if this distribution method is still relevant at that time.
Currently, terrestrial broadcasting is the most popular way of consuming TV signals on the audience side. Nielsen Admosphere presented survey results at the Innovation Day conference last Tuesday showing that nearly 53% of the population currently uses it. Nova uses the multiplexes of two full-screen operators - Ceske Radiokomunikace and Digital Broadcasting - to distribute its flagship channel. The Group has also applied to the RRTV for new licences (DVB-T2, internet) for Nova Gold.