- Last year, viewers in the UK spent 17.1 minutes watching video ads per day.
- Broadcasters accounted for over 80% of all video advertising while SVOD services took up less than 2%.
- The most popular video categories watched on SVOD devices were drama and films.
- CPM increases for ABC1 adults have remained lower than UK CPI inflation.

SVOD services – such as Netflix and Disney+ that incorporated ad-tiers – are said to provide a “complimentary offering” and have the potential to achieve incremental reach, per Matt Hill, Thinkbox’s Research and Planning Director. Yet SVOD ads are estimated to take up a mere 1-2% of total AV advertising time.
Audiences aged 16-34 spent less time watching video ads per day. Out of the 10.5 minutes of ads watch time, YouTube took up one-third while TikTok – the growing social app that commands users’ attention – accounted for 10% of the total viewing.
The rising consumer price index (CPI) reflects the wider economic slowdown and cost of living crisis in the UK, yet ABC1 adults' cost-per-thousand (CPMs) has remained behind CPI inflation. The average 16-34s CPM, however, is 2.4 times higher than the UK CPI, proving that as younger viewing individuals spend an increasing amount of time on social media like TikTok, reaching them will only get harder.
Over the past year, the average time spent on major SVOD services barely changed in the UK. According to BARB data, average viewers spent 22 minutes watching Netflix and eight minutes watching Amazon and Disney+ respectively. The most popular video categories watched on SVOD devices were drama and films.