This year, AKTV hosted the conference again together with the Slovak Association of Independent Radio and TV Stations (Asociácia nezávislých rozhlasových a televíznych staníc Slovenska, ANRTS). The conference took place on Wednesday, 9 October in Four Seasons Hotel in Prague.
This year’s keynote speaker was Wiemer Snijders, marketing professional and author of the Eat Your Greens bestseller. Snijders clarified the key findings of his book in which he collected contributions from 35 major marketing and communication experts, including the star of the last year’s BOOST YOUR MEDIA PERFORMANCE conference, Mark Ritson. Other contributors include world-famous names, such as Byron Sharp, Peter Field, Bob Hoffman, Helen Edwards and many others.
Matt O´Grady from Nielsen focused on the trends and experience from cross-media and cross-platform measurements while his colleague, Tereza Šimečková, introduced the recent development in the Czech Republic and outlined the plans to be implemented on the Czech and Slovak markets in that area in the following period. Bernd Riefler from Veed Analytics explained the trends of common TV VOD platforms that have recently been established in Europe. The conclusion of the conference was dedicated to Justin Lebbon who stands behind major advertising and marketing industry conferences in Canada, the USA and Europe. With his global attitude, he focused on universal findings and recommendations resonating in the global advertising and media industry.
“In terms of topics, we have prepared this year’s conference as an answer to the question that has been resonating not only on the Czech and Slovak markets for some time: how will the traditional TV tackle the digital era in which viewers are more and more spread out in space and time with an infinite volume of content available on digital platforms? TV broadcasters all over the world are contemplating the most effective ways of delivering their content to the highly fragmented audience, measuring the audience and finally, finding a well-functioning business model. Our ambition is to answer some of the questions and bring the agenda into life and practice,”
says Marek Singer, President of AKTV.
The media partners of the conference are the economic weekly Euro, the professional server and the Slovak professional monthly Stratégie.