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11. 8. 202111. 8. 2021
On average, people in the Czech Republic spent 3 hours and 55 minutes daily with their TV in the first half. Their interest in the news and sports programmes was growing, according to Atmedia.

TV series and films have been the most watched formats among the Czech TV viewers for a long time. As the data of the official electronic TV rating measurement indicates, out of the total time spent watching TV, the Czechs dedicate 44 percent to series and films. Data by Atmedia indicated nearly the same share in 2019 and 2020. Atmedia represents 28 thematic TV stations in the Czech market.

“Series with the criminal, medical or rural themes have been very popular with Czech viewers and that will not change in the near future. Local production dominates TV series while with films it depends on individual titles,“ describes Pavel Müller, Head of Research and Marketing of Atmedia.

During the global Covid-19 pandemic, the interest in the news has increased. While before the crisis in 2019 the news programmes accounted for 11 percent of the total TV viewing time, in the first half of the previous and current years it is 14 percent. The most watched are the main news programmes broadcast by TV stations in the evening. “The high ratings of the main TV news indicate that in today’s hectic times, viewers appreciate obtaining a news summary within tens of minutes,” says Müller.

The pandemic had the strongest impact on sports programmes. While in the first half of 2019 sports programmes accounted for five percent of the total time spent watching TV, last year the share dropped to three percent in the same period. This was caused by the cancelation or delay of many attractive sports events, namely the recent Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo. This year, the situation has changed and in the first half, TV viewers dedicated six percent of their TV time to sports programmes, which is more than in the year before the crisis.

Source: mam.cz
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