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14. 8. 202414. 8. 2024
The popularity of VOD services in the Czech Republic continues to grow, especially among viewers aged 25-34. However, they are popular across all generations, as confirmed by the Atmedia Index research for the first half of this year, which is regularly conducted by the media representative Atmedia.

According to the latest research results, 47 percent of Czechs aged 15-69 are already actively using at least one streaming service. This is an increase of five percentage points compared to the second half of last year. "The number of users of streaming services such as Netflix, Voyo or Max has increased quite significantly in the first six months of this year - specifically by 300,000 to 3.1 million users," says Pavel Müller, head of research and marketing at Atmedia.

The biggest increase in users in the first half of this year was recorded by the five most used services on the Czech market - Netflix, Voyo, Disney+, Max and Prima+. "Some of them have increased their user base by as much as 200,000," Pavel Müller points out, adding that other streaming services have lost some viewers. Netflix has had the largest number of users on the Czech market for a long time, with two-thirds of all users of streaming services watching it. The other four largest paid VOD services are used by fewer users, ranging from 17 to 36 percent of all streaming service users. Some users access the individual platforms through shared accounts," says Pavel Müller.

Users spend over an hour a day with VOD services

The growing interest in paid VOD services is also reflected in the fact that most Czech users are not satisfied with just one streaming service - instead, they use several services at once. According to the latest Atmedia Index research results for the first half of this year, there are two services per user. Almost half of the users of streaming services watch content on these platforms on a daily or almost daily basis, and more than one third watch content at least several times a week. Women are the most active viewers in this respect, as well as the younger generation, with more than half of 25-34 year olds watching content on these platforms daily or almost daily, followed by 35-44 year olds and Generation Z, i.e. 15-24 year olds.

"Czech users of paid VOD services spend an average of one hour and six minutes a day watching them, which is approximately eight hours in one week," says PavelMüller, adding that in addition to the average time spent watching paid VOD services, the Atmedia Index research also offers values for individual streaming services separately - specifically for the five most used platforms on the Czech market. For this reason, at the beginning of this year, we expanded the Atmedia Index research to this area," explains Pavel Müller.

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