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25. 5. 202025. 5. 2020
How will the advertising out of covid look like? 

The bellow summarized questions are answered in document Advertising-out-of-COVID-19.pdf.

  • What are the benefits, short and long term, of remaining on air during and out of CV-19?

  • What considerations or adjustments that need to be made to brand advertising out of CV-19?

  • What media channels to cut and what media channels to keep out of CV-19?

CV-19 has brought cuts to advertising budgets and so the imperative is to at least maintain, or, if possible, grow share of voice. Brands that can grow share of voice will have a larger share of the market as recovery comes.

Consumers have wanted to hear from brands through the crisis, but they are wary, and so association with trusted brands has never been more important. Marketers will need to pay close attention the media vehicles they associate with.

The most sensible course of action for marketers, especially during a recession or when emerging from crisis, is to play the long game, stretching campaign evaluation periods into the future.  Brand growth is achieved by targeting as broadly as possible, and this has never been truer than now. Consumers have been forced to set their consumption habits aside and reconsider all purchase decisions.

Broad reach is key, and marketers must stay abreast of rapidly changing media consumption and perceptions. Self-isolation has caused a sudden and dramatic change in media consumption and the changes will linger as the recovery comes. Reach alone is not enough. Media decisions need to be made in terms of “effective reach” where brands reach as many people as possible and the impact of the reach is multiplied by the channel’s ability to ensure the ad is seen.

Advertising campaigns that give consumers help for right now, and hope for a better future are needed. Brands that stay on equity will be reassuring and will build brand connection.

Reduced budgets often mean large gaps between advertising bursts. The best campaigns will utilise media channels that imprint advertising messages in consumer’s memory banks for longer.

During CV-19 it is imperative for advertising to be humanistic. Marketers should feel confident that emotionally-driven storytelling can consolidate brand share now and into a post-pandemic world.

Source: thinktv.com.au
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