Zdroj: ATO-Nielsen


10. 2. 202510. 2. 2025
Receiving a TV signal via the internet or cable has become the strongest way to receive a signal in the Czech Republic. It has also overtaken the previously leading terrestrial reception by several percentage points. The data is presented by the ATO's Continuous Research.

Currently, the most used main type of TV signal reception in the Czech Republic is via IPTV or cable. With a share of 46%, it overtakes terrestrial reception (DTT), which is the second most used with 41%. IPTV has shown growth in recent years not only at the expense of terrestrial, but also satellite reception (13%). This is based on data from the Continuous Survey, which surveys 12,000 Czech households per year. The research is carried out by the Nielsen agency, which delivers it to the Association of Television Organisations (ATO).

IPTV reception brings viewers a spectrum of available TV stations, but also interactive services, including the so-called back-viewing. These services in particular are behind the growth in so-called delayed viewing, which (within three days of broadcast) accounted for 11.1% of total viewing in 2024, according to official measurement (PCEM) data. An increasing number of TV households also declare that at least one of their TV sets is connected to the internet: in 2024 this was 57% of households. Compared to 2023, this represents an increase of around 6 percentage points.

4% watch TV shows on a PC, tablet or mobile

92% of Czech households watch TV programmes. At least one working TV set with TV signal reception is owned by 87.4% of Czech households. Another 4.2% of households do not have a TV set with a TV signal, but watch TV programmes on a computer, tablet or mobile (so-called second screens). In any case, TV remains the most common media device in Czech households despite the growing penetration of other digital devices such as laptops (65%), tablets (32%) and smartphones (82%).

Source: ATO-Nielsen, Continuous Research 2024. Base: All households

Drama shows attract the most

The results of the 2024 TV viewership analysis also show that dramatic shows (series and movies) are the most sought after by viewers with a 51.4% share. Not only do they account for the largest share of airtime and thus remain the dominant part of the Czech television offer in the long term, but they also regularly top the ratings charts. They are followed by entertainment, news, sports and documentaries.

Source: ATO-Nielsen

"While the ways in which people consume video content are expanding with the advancement of modern technology, the TV set still dominates as the primary device for watching television. The technical parameters of TV sets in Czech households (size, picture resolution, connectivity) are constantly improving, and Continuous Research data shows that a growing percentage of Czech households are willing to pay for premium TV and video content viewing options," said Michal Jordan, CEO of ATO.

Source: mediaguru.cz
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